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Lose weight from your bum -

21-12-2016 à 16:01:42
Lose weight from your bum
I have a client who WAS on slimband but now is making GREAT progress for a price that she never thought would be so cost efficient. The ad is saying that you will no longer need to knowingly diet as it is being done by the slimband itself and not you. I was seriously thinking about the slimband but something held me back. then mentally tired on the couch. I have never heard of the Slimband until I read this, and when I first heard the name I thought it was going to be something along the lines of the Flex Belt or something, but this is beyond nuts. I was beginning to exhibit other health issues, such as sleep apnea and numbness in my limbs and knew that I had to do something NOW. Indoor cycling can burn over 800 calories in a 60-minute session, which will greatly help to quickly drop fat from your thighs and butt. You are NOT a psychiatrist, psychologist, or even a counsellor- you have no right (or even the correct knowledge, clearly) to talk about depression as if it can just go away, you have no clue what treatment would be because you are incapable of even being able to fathom the pathophysiology that this disease actually entails. The cost to effort ratio with Slimband makes absolutely NO sense. Funny, because their marketing message speaks a completely different language. So there are 2 major flaws in your home made band LOL. Run three times per week to burn off the fat on your thighs and bum. After doing a bit more hunting around, I found out exactly how this band works and the surgical procedure that you must go through. Another comment that originated from 74. I do wish SB was more upfront about what to expect. I want to counter some misconceptions in on this board about Slimband, which is an effective weightless solution for more than 4000 people. The Slimband procedure takes only 30 minutes and the patient can go home the same day. And also, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU to call other people weaker-willed when your ass was topping 323 pounds while you stuffed your face with bullshit. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Temple University. These people have done all they could on their own and they had no lasting results until they tried Slimband. And how on earth did they come up with this. They can take medication to lower their cholesterol so why stop eating steak and fast food. I am planning to go back to the gym in the New Year and going into a really really good diet. Although the Atkins diet is very popular, it made me feel somewhat unhealthy. On top of that, the fact that he actively squeezed his abdominals was a given that some type of result would come out of it. Try egg whites, chicken, turkey, fresh fish and low-fat dairy products, like yogurt, cheese and milk. And I would hope that people would not be stupid enough to think that this weightloss technique is to be used without eating healthier or excercise. I have lost 140 lbs and have been able to stay within 3 lbs of my goal. I am 50 this year and unfortunately I had a job that also included over 3 hours of commuting each day so I sat on my butt on a good day 14 hours a day. Diets work, but for some people the moment you stop a diet (even if you eat reasonably) it all creeps back on. Someone known to use steroids and methods of training that are by far worse for your body then this operation LOL. I hope I can bring a little bit of balance to the comments people are posting. If you are hell bent on surgery, then why not go all the way and just do lipo. I am not trying to get something for nothing. As for your last statement, that is just idiotic. You obviously have no knowledge on the endocrine system, neuropsychology or really anything outside of your safe zone- the gym. Fit Jerk, reading your comments about this Slimband have helped me to make a good decision. I see the whole world in a different way. However, I also have one thing I want to counter you with. 12. While some people have trouble losing extra weight on their stomach, others view their lower body as trouble spots. I buckled down and in a year i was me again and now im super fit. Her problem stems from the fact that she thinks weight loss is a means to an END. Well after further research I now have a fairly accurate number. You have a very superficial understanding of the world and human behavior, and you have clearly demonstrated that you have absolutely no clue about simple and basic human physiology. Without exercise it would not be a perfect to reduce body fat even if you eat healthy nutritious diet daily. So you see, obesity can creep up even on those who believe themselves to be healthy. Yes lets LOL cause pointing out your ignorance is really fun. Now please go waste your resources on undramatic results. Ronnie Coleman recently used this exact method, (though with a proper weight belt). I have to say it is rather hilarious to continuously call others idiotic when it is quite clear that you obviously only know how to lift weights. Take a look at one of their ads below, they are blasting these out everywhere on the Google network. Try to realize that not everyone is the same, and some of us need this help. I have started going back to the gym on my lunch hour, doing a half hour of cardio. No one in their right mind should pay this much money to achieve a result that is so brain-dead simple. When you were lonely and all you did was EAT because you had no will power to do shit about it. An interesting thing about Slimband is that 60% of their customer care associates are former weight loss surgery patients themselves. So really, this Slimband is only effective in terms of appearance, not in health, unless its lazy, unhealthy patrons decide to get really fit post-operation. But if U actually talked to the clinics and other doctors that do not preform this surgery to get an unbiased opinion. Since portion control is the major reason why people are overweight in the first place. The details as to why is complicated but know that this is the idea behind the technique. 71 just like the one above. My advice is just choose a diet plan which your body reacts positively to. So I stepped on to the thread mill and started running 40 Minutes everyday at 9 Miles per hour. You reach a goal then you have to MAINTAIN it. ) who have failed with non-surgical fat and weight loss methods. Depression is not just feeling sad or down-that is a common misconception held by ignorant simpletons- most people cannot even take care of themselves let alone hit the gym. I find a lot of comments on this site to be not only insensitive, but truly unaware of what MANY overweight people have actually already tried (and tried and tried). Spend thousands of dollars and then you have to watch your eating habits later on anyways. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that my insanely sarcastic idea might actually be effective to some degree. Even the most confident person will loss confidence and become insecure if nasty comments are thrown at them every fucking day. I mean, late night infomercials have come up with some real doozies over the past, but this new method is taking shit to a whole new level. See the Slimband site for dramatic before and after photos and success stories of Slimband patients at. When I was banded the doctor that sold me the band was very helpful and not pushy. Realistically there is not many people like her there is a lot of lazy people. Turns fat asses into good looking bad asses. Though it may not be as medically dangerous as belly fat, carrying around extra weight on your legs and bum can make wearing a swimsuit or shorts uncomfortable. Most of these people, without their medication, are a danger to themselves and others. They can get surgery to lose weight so why eat right. I recommend everyone who is facing the same symptoms of fatness try to get fit, it is really easy and not difficult at all. My understanding is that it can be removed once it has served its purpose. Option to submit yourself 30 minutes daily workout highly recommend. When you are morbidly obese exercise is not only VERY difficult but often not possible. Get off your asses and improve your lives with healthy eating and working out. Based in San Francisco, Beth Rifkin has been writing health- and fitness-related articles since 2005. Replace the unhealthy foods with whole, real nutritious foods, such as fresh fruits, garden vegetables and whole-grain complex carbohydrates. I used to be very fit and athlete, but with the passage of time I became lazy and developed a habit of eating and sleeping along with no exercise. I dont say this much, but you sir are a complete and utter moron. Aye, you def brought some balance to the force. Doing this WILL make U feel uncomfortable and increase the likely hood that the weak willed. Eliminate foods that contain sugar, white flour and saturated and trans fats. Running will also specifically tone and strengthen your thighs and butt. Those people generally do well with lapband, as it leaves you feeling full and satisfied with only a small portion of food. It still requires surgury to put it in and take it out but it is no longer cutting off part of the intestine and has less of a death risk that came with Gastric Bypass surgury. I have tried every diet lost weight but never been able to keep it off. We need to learn to accept others for their inner beauty and quit focusing on their looks. People just want to sit back and watch tv while they lose weight. Protein is needed regularly throughout the day by your body and will help it to stay energized, build muscle and promote a strong immune system. I also saw a private therapist to deal with these same issues. Plus, because it is smaller, you must eat less. Anyways, updated the post with video if you want to know what the procedure looks like. Very nice and informative article, let me share my fitness story with dear readers. 190. And btw this procedure has been used for many years and is not a new technique. Home to 2 children, making supper, school work, house work etc. Now honestly, what the fuck is a desperately overweight person supposed to think when they see this ad. Yes the answer is portion control, water and exercise, life intrudes on this as we all know. You were born a loser, you will stay a loser and you will DIE a loser.

Even IF you are grossly overweight, you will still have to watch what you eat, you will still have to perform physical activity etc. Everyone like to look as fit as fiddle and want to lose weight. All images belong to their respective owners that hold the copyright. S. My cousin did this surgery because she had a binge eating disorder so her psychological issue needed to be addressed so with a therapist and getting the band done she lost 108 pounds so in certain cases it is a last resort a last option but for her its what she needed to do. There is not magic pill or magic procedure to loose weight and keep a healthy lifestyle but exercise and healthy eating. This procedure will cost you the down payment of a brand new car and a monthly payment that could cover a proper gym membership, a trainer, all the groceries you could need for the month and maybe some left over cash for a movie. I need that motivation again to get me started. The only way to lose weight is to eat less and stay active. You are a narrow minded moron who needs to walk a mile in the shoes of a morbidly obese person. lets support one of the leading companies in the world known for exploitation. Losing weight from this area of your body takes a solid eating plan and plenty of cardiovascular and strength training exercise. I am not in any way affiliated with Slimband but I have had the procedure. I did a 10-week group course on emotional eating since I am one of those people who used to respond to emotional upheaval by eating. That in itself is a great injustice. These people have significant weight to lose (100 pounds or more is not uncommon), and they have tried all of the diets out there, only to lose some weight then gain it all back. You obviously have never been obese because it is the people like you who have never been overweight, who have all the answers. For example, snack on apples, pears, oranges, carrot sticks, bell peppers and fresh whole-wheat breads. Just in small portions and still lose weight. You spent way too much for losing weight. I only mentioned this because it further backs up my claims that you are a tool. I have to say as for the banner your right it does say goodbye to dieting. this surgery makes it so U can EAT WHAT EVER YOU WANT. Running will burn calories and tone and strengthen your thighs and butt. I have been on a special programme now for a few years now and I must say I feel great. For that kinda money, you should go buy yourself a KIA with a massive dildo on the front seat so you can haul your fat ass around and simultaneously GO FUCK YOUR SELF. Kids get older, they are in sports and when they finally are old enough for those of us who now say it is back to my time, it is hard and we find ourselves desparate. It is an excuse for many not to do the hard stuff. Couple comments, I looked up this Slimband to see what it was due to all the commercials and found your te stupidest way to lose weight. Everyday when I looked in the mirror I had thought today I will start exercising, which was clearly a false promising to myself, again with the passage of time I realized now enough is enough I have to do something to get rid of this fat. So I was surfing the net for slimband costs, and I happend to come across your blog. Because of my lengthy rant you more than likely think (if you were even capable of processing any of it) it is because I am overweight, but in actuality I have a BMI that lands between 19-20, probably extraneous information but I wanted to beat you to the punch. With little fact to back up his outlandish claims. Not only does the writer not understand how this surgery works plus the MANY benefits it offers to people unable to lose weight. I struggle with my weight, and I struggle with a few other major issues in my life. 3 Days continues exercise and 2 days rest which continued over the period of 3 months and I have now lost 22 Kilo of fat and I have started to look young and energetic once again. I was banded July 6 06 at TLBC (Toronto Lap Band Centre) now Slimband. No excuses. It is a bit of a pricey diet, but there are plenty of coupons available on the internet. I am assuming that you have no medical training, you have no scientific background, and you are not a registered psychologist. Right after finishing a marathon every day I then take the free weight and start building my shoulders and biceps, chest and etc. My guess would be for a minimum of 12 months. For years, I was physically active at least 4 hours a day. It will not control portion size. I found a personal trainer to help me figure out what I could do, at 350 lbs, with arthritis, to get some exercise. P. Interestingly, in my 20s I was very active, teaching aerobics classes and competing nationally in various dance genres. I would go deeper into ripping your lame opinion apart. Also a National deadlift record holder and the undisputed flip-cup champion. If you want to train under him, Click Here to fill out an application, and he just may consider working with you. This kind of stuff downright pisses me off. I always thought that this was for people grossly overweight (like 500 lbs. The advantage is minimal scarring from incisions, a shorter hospital stay, and a greatly reduced recovery period. It is true, as someone said earlier, that banding is something that is supposed to be used for people like me who are morbidly obese, who have tried dieting and have physical limitations that prevent (at least for now) strenuous workouts. Basically I sat down and spread out, 14 hours a day will do that. So what makes them think that their patients will pick up these new food habits and guidelines after having the surgical procedure done. Because no matter what they do to make themselves better they are made fun of. And it is no matter where they are, they can be in the pool swimming laps, or in the gym running a treadmill. Some people are not meant to look like that, just like some people are. And congrats to you for losing the weight. However, the effort you put into it can lead to many happy days on the beach. I spent a year going to a clinic to learn to eat properly and break bad habits. plus the weaker willed. As for your specific problem, you need to change your eating habits. In order to prepare for the Slimband, which I regard as a tool to be properly used, I did a lot of work. I love the little disclaimer at the end. You are CONSTANTLY flexing and squeezing those abs. Plz do refrain from ranting on with your obviously biased opinion. I look forward to enjoying swimming, hiking and other activities that I used to enjoy before stress, motherhood and a desk job took their toll. Join 1,345 athletes and know the moment a new article is published, along with exclusive tumbling content, right to your inbox. Are you kidding me. will simply take it off. Man it is sad to see what the world has come to, at least in the US. Try this method and report back as to the results you see. I have lost now 82 pounds by myself working my ass off in the gym and i had gained that damn weight by taking a birth control that altered the chemical balances in my body because my body was having a reaction to this birth control so i went from a super confident woman to a shy less outgoing person. What really screws with my head is their flawed logic. These foods, such as pizza, French fries and ice cream, will show up as fat right on your thighs and butt. Yes people want everything handed to them without working for it. Everyone wants to be good but they all secretly want to live in a giant ball in space that shoots planet-shattering lasers. And some people (me) have had so much other bad stuff to endure through their lives, that finding the time and discipline to spend much of every day thinking about food it just more than I can bear. You need to educate yourself before you start spewing ignorant fallacies that other idiots, much alike you can read and become misinformed. Yep, definitely sounds like the mindset of 95% of the population. The band has changed my life but you do have to work with the band. Funny, none of that shit works until you change mentally. Another reason food is an issue is that I eat it on the run. If you think about it you are actually saying good bye to it. For me the band has helped me control my portion size and have no regrets about spending the money. When you train frequently, your muscles DO feel firmer and harder. Weight loss is a must, it makes you feel good and even look better. You are a simpleton who needs to put down the weights and pick up a book. Slimband is a much safer, reversible and healthier alternative to a gastric bypass procedure, which is not reversible and is major surgery. A series of tiny incisions are made in order to insert miniature cameras and special instruments that can be manipulated by the surgeon externally. But anyways your little biased and uneducated article makes me laugh. I was a fitness freak 10 years ago, and I looked amazing. Not just believe, people actually fall for this crap. Once you eat less you will notice you need to eat CORRECTLY to maintain vitamins and energy. The biggest shame is that you think being overweight is somehow worse than being ignorant and a simpleton. Once U gain an understanding of what you should eat, it becomes second nature to eat less. I believe it can be removed but why insert it in the first place. Depressed individuals with no confidence can alter their moods with certain safe supplements (note: NOT medications) and then follow a smart program to lose the pounds. I find it funny that U recommended going to Wal-Mart. What other people think of you is none of your business. It is no an accomplishment to be smarter than you as I am sure most kids who have taken elementary health are. Based on the amount of ignorance the writer has here. A little bit of motivation and all will be great. The consultation was VERY pleasant the person was able to sympathize with me because they too have gone under the surgery. Running at the pace of a 10-minute mile can burn approximately 300 to 444 calories in a half-hour, depending on your weight and height, according to Harvard Health Publications. I actually tried this out for the past week and the 7th and 8th pack are almost visible with 0 diet changes.

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Lose weight from your bum

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