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Weight loss success sotries -

21-12-2016 à 16:12:22
Weight loss success sotries
It definitely looks like it worked because it got all of you to start talking about it. The author does have a slightly arrogant approach (even though he believes in it strongly) I would recommend that little more humility is present in the film. You see the moment you hate, even with good reason, you start damaging and attracting yourself to every known human health, science and faith related weaknesses. They will tell you that science has proved darwinian evolution to be a fact, Newtons gravity theory is a fact, and so on. I was told she died there, but there was so much family shame around her condition, I never heard the facts. Her book may be a easier way for more people to understand it all. David (Tank) Henderson June 3, 2012 at 10:17 pm. The truth as a fundamental principle means something static, of thought, knowledge, a base, therefore something referenced, and so therefore you cant have a building, church, temple when it comes to truth and so inevitably when you see this completely, then you may ask what a religious mind really is, but you must live totally differently, sacredly with in yourself. The priest, who was made a Monsignor was Father Cox. I remember Steven from building 18( I was an occupational therapist) as well as his father Roland. Unless you are a shrink og anything like that, I will just have to ask you something. Her name was Ethel Grosberg, (my grandpa was Aaron Grosberg, my dad was Morris Grosberg. Seems like we are always wanting to point out the bad, just relax and enjoy different ideas without having to know who from and how they came about. Found out on Ancestry. The ideas presented in this film could use some better tying together and background sourcing, but this is hard to do in a short documentary. Interesting video until he started ranting on about his anarchistic, anti-capitalism theories. I understand completely if you do not feel comfortable. Perhaps watching Krymatica with an open and honest mind will help you. I am very familiar with his teachings, and what you have said is almost verbatim from those. Donna Place Griffin June 17, 2014 at 12:11 pm. Mr. This brings us into the question of what Am I, you. We had keys to the main gate which was on the right as you entered, thus the screams. There are some thought provoking messages. I think there truly are people who cannot be helped and stay at places like this forever. Only her 2 sons were there and they left quickly as if they were embarrassed. But hey, whatever, overall I really like his message. With regards to the admiralty and maritime law, i came across this a while ago and it does fit in nicely with the documentary if you understand the basic concepts. There are not enough appoligies in the world, to take away the pain of all who lived never knowing what was happening. She went into the facility because she lost her mind at the abusive hand of a cruel husband. You see the start of this helpless cycle here. The idea of killing the messenger, and missing the message. There is always discernment and that involves choice, choice implies free will. So these shaman tribes that preceded our current state of leadership, did they have leaders. This idea of universal consciousness is the point that most interests me. If we referenced what those throughout history believed our varying organs were responsible for we would still be drilling holes in our head to relieve the bad humor and practicing blood letting. Those who think will act - those who not will just react which is quite evident everywhere. Look at the excerpts of the fur trade to see what kind of mentality that can foster - a distancing from that which makes us dvinely human. When we connect with ourself we touch the divine. Tim, I agree that if you look at Kymatica as a factual documentary there are a lot of dubious connections. Anyone interested in records can call the Rockland State Psych hospital. There are many that staff apparently turned a blind eye too. Ultimatley there would be no separation between the source, myself, or others. Believe me, none of those coaches will take me on as a contender in any winter sport. My Dad always held holiday parties for patients and co-workers. This notion of a universal self is comforting, no doubt, for some, but how do the authors propose to substantiate the theory. Julie Grosberg September 14, 2013 at 10:47 pm. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Words also have different meanings between groups or individuals. I was in a ward with men who had been institutionalized for many years. And the people that try to criticize this, go watch your shitty michael moore bullshit films. They handed out medication like it was candy. So there is not only no hope of freedom down the road Mr. We watched his movies in the park. I drove away and found out 4 years later I was born and baptized on the grounds. Stewart makes mistakes. Lucifer was the bringer of light, Christianity stole all the pagan holidays, which are ruled by the stars. However, great film which can rich our mind. And anyone can tell you that only those who are willing to help themselves can be helped by others. I remmber a young lady on our ward that died there. She was also Principal of the Rockland State Hospital School of Nursing in 1965 when I was a nursing student. Im not a skeptic on these subjects but this is rubbish. Telling them how sinful they are only keeps them on the streets. I was a kid in Rockland state hospital, do not know why but want to find out why, and get some records of my stay there did you know Dr. Did you know that the Bible mentions angels over 300 times. It lumps all Christians together and asserts that we constantly do this. Me and a few of my buddies wanna go check it out. There was a barber shop owned by a gentlemen named Mario. Vibrations and chakras, Tiamat and Lucifer, mysticism and quantum physics. You getting hostile is a good sign that something is up with you, - not me. At the museum, we currently have an enlarged picture of part of one of the murals on display and it is one of my favorite pieces in our collection. This video lost a lot of credibility when Benjamin Steward states that the English monarchy descends from Prophet Muhammad pbuh. I think I have repressed a lot of memories. I have paperwork that I found at letchworth years ago. The Gaia Theory by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis. There likely are better frameworks to tell the same ideology. Stewart says, there are lots of things I agree with him about. I am wondering if you need any help documenting the murals. I am very interested in collecting oral histories of people who interacted with the mental health system. It is my belief that we can also come to know through revelation from God. Did anyone know the author of music in esoteric agenda (part 3 on youtube). They had a delivery room and the classroom is for children of patients. You can find yourself in a number of ways, at any given time in your life. But i did find it a nice bringing together of many different researchers and concepts. I think the loss of shamanistic ways of life is one of the great tradgedies of human history. Or, it could have been used to bring bodies outta there too. I am really tired, and will watch this movie again tomorrow, unless society has scared me into not doing so. Stewart says we need no outside savior. In the second place, this seems to target Christians as if though they are the only ones who do this. My mom was a patient. federal laws DO apply to you, and for a good reason. Donna Place Griffin June 17, 2014 at 3:52 pm. There were over 20,000 patients during that time. The Biology of Transcendance by Joseph Chilton Pearce, a MUST. Human kind will have to make the same choice in order to survive in the ending of the year of 2010. No one can change us, we have to do our own work. But I have to say regarding the patients, I at least know my Parents, my Sister and Brother-in-law, my Uncle Walt and my Aunt Mimi did the best they could do under the circumstances. Please send me an e-mail as to what I need to do. Neither does it claims to have debunked the mainstream history. Hell no, I am not free of my conditioning. There is another huge abandoned Psychiatric facility in Rockland County in Thiells, called Letchworth Village, which you should definitely check out. OMG who says that this is a great documetrary, is just plain stupid. What is it that frightens you about our socialism. Whenever we want to learn, we look for those whom we think know more about the subject than we do, and in the right context welcome their corrections. Also, just to note, although a lot of the complex is abandoned, Rockland Psych is still a functioning facility. For my own part, I would simply be thankful that he chose to convey his ideas. There are definitely a few valid points in here, but there are also some damagingly large leaps of logic and unwarranted assumptions. To be honest, everyone who is spending time to comment with intense criticism needs to just relax. Look how fluid life is and how a persons truth changes according to circumstances. During the years I worked there, an employee, working alone at night in a building for more functional patients, was stabbed to death by one of her patients. If your true goal is to spread your message you must understand that conscious shifts take time to engineer and require an openness to change. I wonder, is this because to accept as true any part of this film would be to so contrary to your world view that your ego would not allow it. My great grandmother Ida DeWitt died in RPC in 1969. Stewart says, I believe, that it is very hard to free ourselves. Let me, I hope gently, turn the tables on you, so that you can walk in my shoes a bit. Seriously. I agreed because your statement was congruent with my experiences and thoughts. So this is a perfect video for lazy people, they usualy like to stay at home and complain why things are not going anywhere for them. The author also mentions at one point that ALL court cases settle a balance and have a monetary value and that once the monetary balance is paid the case is closed. There is a lot of research done there, family counseling, mental health assessments, etc. Joe V: You want Mr Stewart to accept the authority that you obey. I can choose to be kind or I can choose to be unkind. Lucifer or Satan, was made into a bad character by the Christian church which wanted to take power and knowledge away from people. Im looking to take the trip up there May 10th. The original building we were in, had a tunnel that ran from the building, to I believe, the original main hospital building. Thats because, the fundamental concepts are quite true when we speak of interconnectedness. If we do not wake up and start living conciously, we are lost as a civilisation, possibly as a species and certainly as dieties. The bottomline is - watching this documentary makes you think. Anyway I find this doc has quite a bit of food for thought and discussion. One time I bit his finger when he went to work in my mouth and I never went back. Some old buildings have been renovated for a school. I for one follow no one whether religion, govt, or any isms created by a particular group because it is when people try to convert others into their own beliefs the system goes to hell in a basket or two with CONFLICTS. I for one found this doc to be enlightening as I have with many of the docs on this site. So there is not only no hope of freedom down the road Mr. The original building we were in, had a tunnel that ran from the building, to I believe, the original main hospital building. You get more bees with honey then vinegar. We would hide goodies all over the house for them to find. From time to time, we would help them along by saying. See, for instance what the powers in Europe are creating. I was told she was a tiny woman and very sweet. I just completed an internship at RCPC and am looking for personal stories to get a better feeling of what life is like for the patients. It hurt to see how poorly managed they were. All this does is manifest a lose-lose situation, and for some people, self-hate and defeatist attitudes is comforting. The biblical Jesus did not come to nag us about our sinfulness but came to show us how to be more loving. It sounds like I have alot of issues - in your opinion. Have you heard the one about the geologist, the engineer and the physicist. Can we ever overdo challenging people to be more loving. Shirley Gillard March 17, 2013 at 3:00 am. There was a metal door locked behind you every where you went. In all fairness, I would concede that the answer is yes, but not all that easily. This kind of thinking has been reenacted throughout human history, on bigger and bigger scales with the development of technology. Just because the guy has manged to come up with a story that sounds agreeable to you its no reason to believe what he is saying. The problem here is cross-referencing everything we know so far, and how limited it is, still. and I am sure that I probably know Mr David Henderson Known Has Tank. He worked his way from the farm to become the Principal Clerk for the Store House. Am thinking the doc maker guy might not be a christian but might be like a kabbalist abit like guy ritchie. There was a way to get into them which is likely closed off now. Last I remember they were going to turn it into a golf course among other things. More than once I heard that these coaches were relentless in pointing out every tiny little mistake to these outstanding athletes. As a patient who was higher functioning and not a behavioral problem, the staff actually let me see blueprints of the buildings. Usually, they are outstanding retired athletes in their own specialties. You have given no compelling evidence why I should abdicate my authority as a thinking human being to another authority. I am sorry that you think this way about the people who worked at the strip mall there and the gas stations there. This is to David (Tank ) Henderson I was in Rockland back in the 1960. Not only does it provide a great repository of knowledge but it provides people with a venue to debate and disscuss the most important issues facing this planet right now. I believe, though, that since he is perfect, the communication problem is on my end, not his. As for paranormal activities, sorry none to see. That is a toughie, and requires some wisdom. Thank you. The movie The Ninth Configuration has a great answer. All of these comments for and against this video, are what is being described in the synopsis above the video screen. And it seems logical to say that the Shamans, being human, make mistakes. Brittany and Sam August 23, 2014 at 1:37 pm. If so I understand this to mean accept everything for what it is, make no judgements about its value (good or bad) but be prepared to change some things if they harm others or prevent their spiritual journeys. I can only imagine how much sadness these buildings once held. And I suppose that the Shamans are no better off than anybody else either. However most of them would absolutely be in disharmony with their right brain which knows the exceptions and able to see the big picture. The amount of damage that we can do to others by hating, is proven to damage others also. Thats because primarily they are left brainers and most of them would be good in logic and know the rules. A good documentary focuses on ideas and explains them, even provides some context and evidence. But do not, please, for your own sake, do not refuse to listen to his ideas, however challenging, expansive, or seemingly far-fetched. and I was struck by two very basic ideas. Do people need a leader, or does their metaphysical inner compass, when properly aligned, act as leader in one for all. If you have any info I would be so grateful. I have never seen before a greater mess of half mistakes-half nonsens, throwing to you from the so deep-voice-oh-what-a-hot-gyu-I-am narator, as he flyes from an issue to another, trying to confuse you. For the record, while I disagree with much of what Mr. Brooklyn Paige October 12, 2015 at 1:44 pm. Do you possibly know of any way to find old employee records. Evoking feelings of Hostility will not win over people. Images in chaotic surroundings, with brainwashing like sounds and a monotone narrator with a hint of apathy in his voice. Just because many kids over the years may have come up with a host of wrong answers to various mathematical problems, I believe that there are right answers. celebrate it. I think she remained there her entire life. Stories were few and far between about her illness. Can anyone give me the address to this place. Well said CmCf, you just nailed it down. At one point the author states that competition leads to fear and greed, greed leads to deceit and so on. First off, age has NOTHING to do with where one stands with their inner knowledge. ). Although this is partially true (competition CAN lead to these things) the author fails to mention that competition can also lead to innovation. One of them was acutally about people murdering others. We would make small talk, and there would be a safe haven at least for fun for a short time. And I can say I had some great time as well. I feel sad for Benjamin, he sounds so depressed and hopeless. So is it worth the trip up to Letchworth. Rather than try to react to each of the replies to my comments, let me try a different approach. S. The kids would stay or visit parents. On the contrary, this film is for those who are ready for another level of understanding. First off let me just say how ironic the video is made for self-awareness but yet comments made by others with egos big enough to fight off the very reason the video was made for. Hi John, You may want to check out the works of Joeseph Campbell. I wish there was was some way to learn about her diagnosis, treatment and life there. like everyone needs to think for themselves and not bow to laws or lifestyles just because someone says so. My grandmother was in Rockland Psych during the 30s-50s. Only 1 point where I would disagree, eventually, I believe, technology could save us. Though, there might be one plausible explanation for your socialist dreams. Mental game. Wow, what an amazing series of photos and the comments were as fascinating. A Lot of kid that was there did not belong in that hospital. As for the bickering under the comments, I think many of you are just full of baloney. It all relates to the the Self, The whole and the interaction of the two. Not everyone has their name in full capital letters on their birth certificate, that is a confirmed fact. Generally words are what are used to express an opinion or support for an idea so they are not just empty words. I have been a nurse since the sixties and remember Thorazine and stelazine and seemingly heavily medicated, almost sedated, straight jacketed, patients. GG do a LITTLE research before you make a doc. This documentary hardly tries to impose any agenda or belief system in you. All in all, there were some really good memories. Where is the next, Einstein, Jung, Freud, Bohr, Newton and so on. In this case, we focus and eliminate anything that hinders the truest expression of love within us and spread that to others. Well Eric either I did not grasp your full meaning or did not explain my meaning more fully. Most of us Christians are not, by any means, Olympic caliber coaches on what it means to be a good person. What a man believes upon grossly insufficient evidence is an index into his desires -- desires of which he himself is often unconscious. We find some truth treasures, but overlook others. I remember the murder if a woman named Clara in building 21. Plus they receive an attention that most educational and scientific contributions can only dream of. That the goal is to reach this ultimate truth. Now owned by the town, I was involved with the mayor a couple years ago trying to find a developer, but the deal fell thru. I think it is one of the reasons that I became a psychologist and have spent over 30 years working in similar though more modern facilities. It doesnt try to destroy religion like zeigeist. We bear witness to what we have seen, and my witness is to Jesus Christ. AT meals I was forced to eat and finish everything on my plate even till I puked. makes somehow sense. Telling them they are capable and worth loving helps them to become empowered, creative, and loving. Only through knowledge can we overcome our future. An excellent documentery and good food for thought. is it or is it not. This documentary tries to cover way too much information and makes way too many claims. Experience in this sense means gaining insight, rarely, through a mystical revelation, mainly, through actions and work in everday life. Thank you scout for giving me that creepy but fun feeling the staff gave us when they toldus the old stories. Whether I live here alone or with others I still have a choice of which path to follow that best expresses how I relate to the world. Hi Gary C, another paranormal researcher did an investigation there, a few years ago. This comments section goes to show how people are here to shoot the messenger, and ignore the message. Seems pleasant, until you notice the heavy bars preventing escape (note the little trap door for deliveries on the right). It was a difficult time in the treatment of psychiatric illnesses. The ones who receive must also experience the teachings or the teachings are useless to them. So I stopped and contemplated what he was actually saying, divorced from his clumsy framing of his points. Reading the comments section on here is horrifying. No one gets out of Rockland Psychiatric that fast. There are five fingers yet they all reach the palm. Cats would go down that tunnel, til you could no longer see past the blackness, but I NEVER went down to get them. Can someone please explain to me what he meant saying by saying a Water World planet crashed into the earth. I grew up in Rockland County as well, and my friend Jimmy is still institutionalized here. I presume that the film-maker just meant to shake us up out of our self-absorbed complacency and acceptance of a conformity based on politics, personal ideologies, and local economics. You cannot invade someone else his live because you think it is not right. mentally sound but difference. I hope that makes my earlier comment clearer. Reading your story just gave me a shrewd awakening. A message by the way which is very interesting and one that I come to my own similar conclusions about. Another room, with chipped paint in the way that Hollywood loves to fake in all of its run down asylums. Intention could be called prayer and the results are subtle. All of us could be mistaken about any of our beliefs. 500. In later years, visiting Jimmy, we would mill around with other patients who mostly asked for cigarettes. The place should be torn down with the bricks blown up and reconfigured to create senior housing. Definitely the place teaches humility and suffering of the human condition. When our children were small, one of the things we would do. com that my Grandfather Stewart Gustafson worked there around 1940. The abstractness of the message, or atleast how I interpreted it, has a certain charm to it, whether or not it is based on facts, or how esoteric as it may come across. I was a Clinical Social Work Intern at Rockland Psychiatric Center from 1983 through 1985. Satan came from the planet Saturn, which rules Capricorn, which in the tarot is symbolized by the devil. I think we were kids Tyring to find our way, But it was not the way society think we should be. Unless there is a God outside ourselves who can save us, we have no hope. Vlatko, wonderful site, really enjoy this discussion. The new facility is right next to the new Big Rock. I am currently studying Lacan, who argues that there is no self (my larger study), that the self is merely a construct of the symbolic order. I think one of todays problems for people is the loss of connection we have with ourselves. And only after the death of the messenger, is he regarded as a saint. But I began reading Krishnamurti in my twenties, almost 30 years ago. The only thing someone else can do is offer the fruits of their experiences the rest is up to the individual. I was curious too know if you new any other Gills, as I had been transitioned to the Foundling Hospital in Manhattan and later upon request received info that my mother was one of eight children, but do not know if they are still with us. At its peak year in 1959, Rockland Psychiatric had 9,000 residents and a staff of 2,000. My husband is also History teacher and I think his students would be interested in hearing stories on Letchworth and photos of the place. She remained institutionalized until she died at Kings Park Psych in Brooklyn. Rockland County has a special place in my heart, as I spent some time there in the 70s. While we in the medical field have made great strides, this is an area of medicine that has been ignored and stigmatized. He had accomplishments in life that are book worthy. So RPC (formerly Rockland State Hospital) is still functional. The moment someone truly forgives the wrong-doer, they brake that cycle and it frees them to pursue other causes with real strenght and undeniable focus. Does not deal with reality and may sound euphonic to some, but there is no realism in this. I was expecting some deep insight on philosophy, but it ended up being more a discussion about language, to me. Visiting Rockland Psych is also like taking a trip back in time, as so wonderfully little has changed. Let Rockland State former patients rest in peace. And I do remember that cool parking spot. I live watching Mother Nature reclaim her lands. The same goes for cases dealing with murder or other crimes that have no monetary balance to settle. Our best hope of getting close to the truth is to follow the guidance of One who is not imperfect like the rest of us. Hi Gary C, another paranormal researcher did an investigation there, a few years ago. Again its down to whether the points in this film match your own inner belief system or whether they are strong enough to dislondge the ones you currently hold. Competition ensures constant improvement of everything around us, making life easier and more convenient for us all. I have a sister and a friend who do not have their names in full caps on their birth certificate. It is only through the practice that we send that message to prevail and eventually act upon without reason. Dear druidia, are you free of this conditioning. And so they go looking for coaches whom they highly respect, who are tops in their field. I loved this film until he blatantly misrepresented animal rights people and those who are against cruelty to animals. I could go on for hours, so, dear sunny, stfu. John Kinn, CRNA March 16, 2013 at 11:06 am. S. Or, can one approach it by degrees, through the practice of letting go of opinions, judgments. Please friends, before you comment negative about this movie, make one simple thing. Come on people lets engage in some perspective sharing and some discussion without the digs. Most especially of the professionals involved in that program and of my classmates in those years. Your caring and compassion makes me hope that May came in contact with people like you. (I do believe we can try to demonstrate that what we believe is reasonable. Stewart is looking for can be found through faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior. Ht April 12, 2013 at 8:38 pm. This place was right out of Cuckoos Nest. I cant comment on upto what extent the inner ego of the maker of this documentary has he conquered since I dont know him personally, however the questions that are raised are very profound and indeed thought provoking. Hey Elizabeth Kennedy, the narrator is the same guy from Esoteric Agenda, but the Zeitgeist films have a different narrator. But this ideas are nothing new. So the idea of a universal consciousness has been at two points in my life been a tangible reality. One other implied opinion that I disagree with is that money is a source of many of the issues that the author outlines. Try living in a large society without those laws and see what happens. Now evolution is a fact, no doubt in my mind anyway. Would you feel unfairly picked on by my statement. Its rather like when you conquer your ego, then perhaps you can start asking the right questions about the universe because then you start understanding things in a different way altogether. You are all annoying, none of you know, no one does. These pictures in their starkness made more so by the winter brought back such painful memories. The same thing that so many have accused the filmmaker of. it has all been long written down, in eastern and islamic philosophy and mysticism, adobted by some western writers and introduced to the West. Anything by Krishnamurti, his writings on education are pure beauty. I did volunteer work in the Childrens building. Its a contradiction of everything he speaks of if he assumes that property damage equates violence. Maybe get inspired from ONE line throughout the whole doc and do something. The point is, dissenters, that you, and only you, have the power to make yourself happy, to make yourself fail or succeed. Many of the buildings in the north-east corner meet in a cross, which seems to me like a ton of space for hallways. He knows where he put all the truth treasures in the first place. I have watched this documentary over and over to get an actual grasp of it. eg. or colder, colder. And I suppose that the Shamans are no better off than anybody else either. And I am doing Great Would like to talk to you about your time being there. Gives a good view of individuality and the things that divide people (unfortunately sometimes violently). Scientist had to come up with the theory of Dark Matter for it to work. Physics, psychology, biology, politics and history and irrelevant pictures are put in a metaphysic blender in order to tell us a stupid banality: look inside yourself. The fridge is from the orangeburg fire co. Haha, that bear makes me laugh every time I see it. I love learning about stuff like this as it is intense and passionate. Not many remain, but I love the gold and brown carved signs around the complex, which remind me of the National Parks motif. These are the people that can harm us the most and we have the most to lose by trusting them. The good: interesting quotes here and there, some interesting speculations, liked the inteview with the doctor part - it was interesting. Just because we grasp the truth imperfectly, and may differ on what we believe the truth about a host of topics is, that does not mean that there is no truth. Hi Rose, My mother died in Bronx Pschiatric Hospital and my last name before adopted was Gill. We are all just motes of dust riding on a light beam. The origin of myths is explained in this way. I have no problem with the teachings of Jesus and I think it is good that you have found a way that works for you. Donna Place Griffin June 17, 2014 at 12:48 pm. Today, most of the facility is empty, left to decay as roots and vines slowly overtake it. Last, and perhaps most important, he should define what his definition of freedom and its use in a good society is supposed to look like. It was build around a central circle with hall shootinf off in 4 direcytions if I remember correctly. I like the part about myths. As a kid in the early 60s, I would bicycle from home in Bergen county and pass by Rockland State Hospital. Note the plaid curtains on the rear window. Rockland was a depressing but interesting place for sure. And I want to say I was not crazy, I was in building 11, and I knew other people here too, in the time frame when you worked here. Over time if a person has chosen to commit to being honest and kind then this will manifest. I was born here. In that strip mall, Who went on to own a barber shop and beauty salon in all the malls that were built including the nanuet mall. Sometimes, I believe, I am TOO skeptical, and dismiss something without sufficient investigation. Once you realize your true self, you can the break the illusion and see everything as one. However, if you look at it as a reflection of the amount of information we are bombarded with and then start putting what happens to come to mind together it will sound like this narration. I would really love to hear about how you survived as I have a relative in another facility that is having a very hard time. I waI was there in seventy six or seven I rember ALOT I never spoke about did theyreally tare it down I went through a whole lot I call torture to its(kids) on my ward We were hit I myself was put in a straight jacket and let THERE for three days out was bad real bad. They have sifted through it and figured out what is true for them. This piece is also neat to just watch and let it take your mind to its own stream. By throwing away what he says as rubbish is to deny this, and you show only that you are unwilling to listen, you are unwilling to face the problems within yourself, you are unwilling to be helped. Not worth watching if you follow any of the tenets of scientific method. Some people get so caught up in hairsplitting and the intricacies of words that they miss the overall message. These people are humble enough to know that they are not perfect athletes. If I remember correctly I lived on childrens ward 5. It would have been interesting to see how society would have developed under shamanistic cultures. Some maintain that the only way we can know anything is through our five senses. She was also a good friend to the Director (Sam Simon) of the library where I worked for 22 years. If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. I do sometimes miss those days when I think about it. I totally agree that the Earth is a living organism and that what I do to it, I do to myself. Yes it helps to have a belief in something greater than yourself to give strength, wisdom, and a path to follow. after the woman was murdered. Charlotte Oliver was a very good friend of my family. Not a bad doco, the Key point being that the selfish, Artificial ego is the root problem of all human evils, I agree. I just see documentaries here and there that really have to be met with critisizm. Blessings to you Darky. In a way we can say that he tried to piece things together but the pieces are still missing. Sounds like the guy just have too much free time. Here is the good news that I believe: The freedom Mr. One can start to investigate the source of information from there but it will take sometime before someone clearly gets a hang of the esoteric knowledge. The same words can mean something different to each person. Rockland psychiatric center allows the ofd to store the pool table and the fridge in building 13. Then come back and watch this stupidity - if you can stand it. The ones who are free, you know that your secret to this is Love.

All of us discussing things on this forum make mistakes. Donna Place Griffin June 17, 2014 at 3:15 pm. I graduated from the Rockland State Hospital School of Nursing in 1969, and became a Certified Registerd Nurse Anesthetist in 1971. Though the buildings may be boarded up, the place is heavy with history, and you can feel it in the air. I am 55 years old now and have great memories of living in Orangeburg and graduated Tappan Zee High School in 76. Frances Saxenberg, LCSW January 15, 2014 at 9:56 am. Please contact me as I my husband, myself and our son would love to gain access. The spirit of an Atlantic entity is presentet through a medium in the secound film. Nearly all the doctors (of which there were few) had been patients at some point. I live a few blocks away and am always in the neighborhood and have never seen or heard anything. I saw your post while searching for information concerning Rockland. Everyone that was sent to rockland state hospital was not crazy. Its put up in case anyone shares the same beliefs and if you dont, then just take it as a movie you just watched and move on. I am an orthodox Greek, doubting about everything, including beliefes and deliveance of course, so I know these since ever, from the originals. Some people are more reliable guides than others, but all imperfect. The visual material was very inspiring, Loved how well it conveyed the message. Kinda like trying to find a black cat in the dark. Mr. Its just another way of seeing and understanding the reality we live in. Do I always understand where Jesus is trying to lead me, into what truths he is trying to guide me. I also tried to put the same message, somewhere in the earlier comments in this section but I guess you have elaborated that message a little too clearly than mine. Think of nuggets of truth as treasures to be discovered. The film points out alternatives and opens them up for the audience to ponder - this is its main intent. Thank you for your description of the hospital and the situation at that time. It was a part of my life I will always remmber. A good argument or a differing point of view does not need to insult or make digs at another person. You should be ashamed of yourselves for even thinking of the possibility. It is over 300 acres and was basically a small self contained city in its day, much like Rockland Psych. It doesnt and cant give you all the information and as he states it is just information. Thank you Joe V for your gentlemanly reply. Try to google My Big TOE by author Tom Campbell. I checked out another video where this same guy was talking about doing Ayahusca or whatever you call it(too lazy to google it). it inspired me to look the other solutions and it was doing good to my aesthetic senses. I also agree with Eric that we are individuals with free will and need to follow our own inner promptings. Science is evolving and many things that in the near past were accepted as fact were eventually proven untrue. Those who doubt the integrity of the information should do more research. Stewart points, but there is also no hope of truth down that road. Still i shall keep an open mind on that point. But it was a safe haven for me and many like me. From the very little we know they refused her to have visitors when my father tried to see her. If you enjoyed reading this post, would you consider making a donation to help me make my first movie. No amount of reliance on an outside source ever changes anyone. I am an amateur genealogist and someone in my family was apparently there in 1940, according to the 1940 census. It is impossible to free ourselves. They want a knight in shining armor like Bill Cooper or Alex Jones to save them, but then when someone like that comes along, then they label those perceived leaders as operatives for some hidden agenda. Too many patients were beyond my capacity to help, but I found gratification in helping those who under more fortunate circumstances would have been dear friends. And if you want to understand philosophy and religion go to the sources. was have treasure hunts for the kids. As time passes word meanings become obscure and subject to redefinition by a culturally differentiated mindset. I was planning on going May 10 to take pics of the buildings. warmer, warmer. All I can say is: If you want to understand science then start by studying science. What a great movie and now I want to read the book. In fact without licensing people to drive you run into much bigger issues such as unsafe drivers, more crashes and other indirectly related consequences. I would be very grateful if you ever have the time, to share some of your knowledge. Anthony DeTullio June 12, 2012 at 5:53 pm. The message of this movie is not: do not kill. I just watched The Snake Pit, based on the real experiences of a woman in the 40s who was housed there. I apologize if my comment seemed aggressive, I was not attacking your beliefs but wanted to point out that whenever a person says they know who the authority is then they become the expert on authority. My heart goes out to anyone who suffered at that place. And can there be awareness of oneself, no division, or that which introspects. I rescued a patient who had just hanged herself in one of those windows, and a year later I discovered (too late) that same patient in the act of strangling to death another patient. Shirley Gillard Thompson March 16, 2013 at 9:16 pm. If one cannot recognize this, then obviously one cannot learn to treat it properly (e. Whatever energy I put out or take in is my choice. Someone even made pre determined conclusion about this guy based on his age (How much ego can damage the thinking). Hi Madeline feel free to give me a call anytime. Its just like the number 6 appears to be 9 when looked from a different point of observation. I think there is an authority higher than me and I can connect with this through experience and within myself that knows what is true. If you live in the U. Interestingly enough, these athletes have confidence in spades. We have a similar, though much smaller, abandoned (though not run down) mental hospital right next to a cemetary in Helsinki, called Lapinlahti, built in 1841. I think if we all did that there would be much less conflict between people. That landmark sign was moved from the abandoned AAU and stationed near the new facility. Go now, on your own personal spiritual journey and you will find out the answers for yourself. restraining oneself from stealing or harming another even though the desire is there. You have decided that Jesus is the authority to follow and want everyone else to follow as well therefore you are now the authority on authority. I had a relative that had died while a patent and burried at Rockland 1966 plot P- 85. They actually think they have a chance at a gold medal. I like the analogy of the hand being like the spiritual journey. Like I said earlier, this documentary is a work of art with science and metaphysics blended together with a bit of history to make the viewer ask the right questions to themselves. It made the film seem that much more ameteur. a good game. I have many very fond memories of my years as a student at Rockland. But then again, I see some things a differently. I was a student nurse at Rockland State Hospital from 1958-1961. This is an interesting discussion to follow, a microcosm of the world. I also thought his cameo was a little weird. Your question is like asking what was so wrong with Chernobyl or the gas chambers. Also, I thought this sounded like a stream of consciousness where one thought flows into another, something like the writing of James Joyce et al. When you affect and effect your life you will influence the larger reality. These kids are taking some interesting ideas and and making a silly attempt to pass them off as truth. The first chapter of the first movie is completely false, thus you have to question other thing being presentet in the film. When i do go i will be glad to share any stories if i have aha. I also remmber meeting the love of my life there. I too like Kjerstin am very interested in learning of the history of. Is sharing too much for all those opponents of socialism. Get to know yourself, and try to grow from what you learn, know your fears and overcome them, know your values and question whether they are there to help you grow or to stop you learning about yourself. Mental illness was seen in a totally different way. As we are now it seems that faith is the one thing that keeps us going. And the very fact that these coaches take them on is a tremendous confidence builder. So I am happy to know that you do not accept K as an authority. at Christmas I believe. I was 9 months pregnant and randomly drove up to the iron gates and got chills. I guess this unconditioned state IS just an idea until one can somehow reach that state. I agree with Eric that putting any belief on a pedestal leads to disillusionment because we live in a system of duality so there is always another way of viewing something. Lots of connections made between mostly unrelated ideas. He would say Time, disputed proof and predisposed ideas. Im really interested in learning about this asylum. But there remains a need for long term care for those suffering. Finally, a well thought-out critique of the film, not some out-of-hand dismissal with no thought given to the ideas presented and ad hominem attacks on the filmmaker. If you send me an email, I might be able introduce you to the mayor for access. One day, when I have retired, maybe I will finish writing the Book I started about the place which I called The Nut Colony. I know the new wards address and from what i heard it is right by it. As we are under meritime law we are not considered Natural beings therefore as natural beings our basic rightshave been taken away. Apparently, my mother was very ill and I too was born I believe in Brentwood Pilgrim State. I wonder if there are any people who are free. Though most of the things mentioned in this documentary are open to interpretations (which the maker Ben Stewart exactly wants) however I would place a small conclusion that would sum up the perceptions in a nutshell. Bottom line, no one has the authority but you to choose what you believe in and that is what I took from this great documentary. He was a very ill but charming young man. The point is to let the bad apples wither away and focus on yourself and the good you can bring in the 80 odd years you leave behind, look what Ghandi did. I loved how although you shared your beliefs and feelings, you emphasized to take any and all information you receive with an open mind and heart, and determine whether it is true or not for yourself. that is just a new wawe of flower power idealistic zero brainer bullcrap. The begining is good,however when they talk about stuff like drivers licence and why are we using it. If this docu wasnt so extremely boring it would actually be a good joke. When you think the end is near, the apocalypse, Armageddon, and when you think we as a species are doomed, it is not they, it is you that brought this about, and for a very good reason. Maybe because you cannot even create your own path in life because you are too self centered and egotistical. The current world situation seems to make this similar to swimming against the current. Meeting all information with an open mind is key to finding the truth. Also, if you do get in, look into the giant building at the center of the complex, near the old bus station. We are creatures created by God for his purposes and pleasure. Yea i agree its not completely his own original ideas. However, the trick is putting those things into practice on a personal level. With no offence intended to you, Thoughts, or Christianity in general, I must say one of the things that really turn me off about Christians is their need to constantly expound the sinful nature of humanity. , like the shamans or the trance dances in many indigenous cultures). There are many references to the negative outcomes of the pursuits of money and possesions. Who are any of you to think that what you say about this documentary matters. We can have authority wereby we have belief in ourselves and our abilities this then would make us able to follow our own inner promptings. I still have a missal that was signed by her and given to my Aunt Marion (aka Aunt Mimi) when she retired. Already one can see in the comments above that two types are at work. Stupid and dangerous is fanatical ignorance paired with guns. On top of that there is an estimated 20 million asbestos abatement that would need to happen to bring those old buildings to code. Remember facts can allways be proven, if he cant prove what hes saying he has no right presenting his story as a fact. Most importantly in saying that there really is no good or bad info but how we choose to perceive it as well as to remind me to always strive to understand my own nature. I didnt understand like 90% of it, really complicated subject matter, quite intense. The medical community is has barely scatched the surface on this. The defence mechanism from immature people who are to afraid to discover sides about themself through personal growth, is typically ridicule, cynism, exaggerated skepticism, jealousy, hate, fear, etc. It is my belief that Jesus, being God, is not caught up in imperfection, making mistakes like the rest of us. Namaste. Its also nice to see this kind of documentaries being made daring to give us an alternative view-point of our world. Also spend time with nature and make a personal connection for yourself. Well, those who are frustrated with the film may have bigger problems than anything a simple little movie could solve. Anyway, I would kick and scream every time I went to see him bc it was so scary looking to me as a child. But I must be responsible and accountable for my choices. You have the right to follow whomever you like but so does Mr. Clara Logan or Clara Vanasse was my grandmother who was in there as well. And you are also wrong about the fact that you think that people should find out everything for themselves. What you do with it is your choice but have an open mind. The first 5 minutes actually contained some science the rest was just a bunch or rambling. Future docos should insert more humility and a balanced perspective. I love the resonance of the pineal gland bit. If one asked, I think the majority of people would agree that love and respect are keys to progression of mankind. There are rumblings of all the remainder of th unused portions going for sale in future. I especially enjoyed the parts that speak about false ego and projection. Growing up I did not know what happened until I got older. As I look at the photos, I edit them in my mind with how it was when I was there. (Just for one sec let me diverge here and thank Vlatko for this awesome site. lobotomies were preformed, electric shock, hydro therapy (the baths). but cam also life changing. All ways to block yourself from learning the truth of you heart. I lived in that house on Dutch Hollow Dr. The new high rise buildings have several layers of basements and sub-basements which i thought interesting. Case levels vary by individuals (you may have a schitzophrenic yelling out the final answers to jeopardy in between talking to voices) yet for some it was despair and the end of the line. The ego is something to be developed and embraced in this life. On saying that you have followed up on and eloquently explained the difficulty of relying souly on facts in a subject that may not have the tangibitly seen in other siences. The author made an error in his attempt to link wild conspiracies with his message. No one left bldg. The huge irony I see in this piece is that Mr. Where everything has too be explained too you, like sex has too be explained too a child. Letchworth is in process of being torn down. And yes, as you note, epistemology is part of what drives this conversation. Stress and anger changes your body and brings about illness. On what basis are you trying to analyze me as a person. They go into great detail how we have been conned into a world of commerce and our true rights as living souls have been stripped from us. He came to Colorado to get started on it. g. There is no point trying to convince anyone of anything- in fact, it will just push that person further away from your beliefs. Ok i didnt like this film, and only watched about 45min - an hour of it. Just live your life, and people will see and feel your peace and resolve- and will see the truth if they want to. You would not believe some of the things we done. Mr. Unless the authors can offer evidence for their thesis, beyond a conflation (synchronicity) of historical events, the whole elaborate confabulation (apparently) can only be deemed to be yet another sophisticated exegetical exercise. Ben, I disagree that ( in regards to the vile animal cruelty in asia) that the ones to worry about are people who react with anger when they see that. It is a wonderful place and more than anything I would love to see it preserved but that is not realistic as the tax burden just to keep it as-is is already huge. Yeah, this doco has its good points and bad points. This is what is so lacking in our world today. But there are other ways of feeling, perceiving, that may not involve thought. I may vehemently disagree with other things they say. I remember visiting there once as a small child but do not recall any details except the memory of a blue door with a small wired glass that my Grandmother entered through to visit her sister. I truly believe that anyone who engages in this in an open and honest way will come to a more enlightened view of their existence and purpose. However, rather than using these as a jumping-off point, I will just share some of my own reactions, in no particular order. Please let me know before me and my family takes a trip there. Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C. I believe we can only grasp truth if it is revealed to us. That being said, I do disagree with some of the points that the author made. It is hard to formulate our ideas clearly, and hard sometimes to understand the point others are making. They already tore half down for a golf course. It is impossible to know what is in our subconscious (which drives us to do everything), which changes all the time. One could also posit that there has been a systemic eradication of shamanistic cultures throughout history. But given the size of the planet Earth, do you know how long it would have taken for just one of these protein molecules to appear entirely by chance. Your great grandmother was in there with my paternal grandmother according to the 1940 census. Cats would go down that tunnel, til you could no longer see past the blackness, but I NEVER went down to get them. Without competition Apple would have never created their Ipod, Microsoft would have never created Windows, and Google would probably be non-existent. Hey Jason, I was around your age when I first read 1984 by George Orwell. The film basically told you dont believe it, research it. It is someones beliefs and he made something out of it. Chris Maggard February 14, 2013 at 10:27 pm. Lovely people, but they loved to analyze, argue, refute (a generalization of course). One of the points I want to underscore is that I believe all of us live by faith, that we cannot prove that what we believe is true. All I have to say is these guys did more than the majority do to get their beliefs out. When I first started on my own spiritual journey a few years back when I was your age I too was a tad more arrogant. It may provide some enlightenment on this topic for you. Lastly, let me give you a reaction to your opening sentence of that comment. Having said that, there is enough here to warrant calling in the mythbusters. It is nothing more than a postmodern rumination of esoteric nonsense. And that makes me greatful to be who I am. You all can talk till your face turns red, the fact is, your wasting your breath, so chill the F out, and enjoy what you have, and strive for what you desire, because when it comes down to it, whatever the frak is going on, none of us really have that long of time here, in this body, around who we know and love at this exact point in time, so just enjoy the ride. There was a beautiful Catholic church high on a hill. I think Kymatica definitely discussed this root cause of problems in our society. It called REASONING and with it you can come a long way. But now I have the right to say it because I found out for my self. What I use for this is a very special tool. Yes I can tell you some story about that place. Roughly ten to the two hundred and forty-third power billions of years. Among the things I agree with is that communication is hard. Even the staff told us stories about the old hospital. And you can experiment with these techniques, but it will require that you be aware. Like others who have posted here there was an immense amount of shame. Vibrations are a masculine force and matter is a feminine force. It is soo hard to gain access these days to these buildings as the vandals make it impossible for people like us to experience. According to family lore, she would wander around aimlessly on the streets of The Bronx before she was committed. I live in a Socialist country (Canada), Britian, Sweden, Denmark are socialist countries too. My Parents had to relocate from Up State New York. This is why throughout society there is the use of metaphor and symbology. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. I only got the full story when I was older. I think unity can be achieved not just through agreement but also by accepting that each person will see things differently, unity through diversity. Look into yourself first. I agree that we are all conditioned by our environment, our parents, our society. I have a Father who loves me and will never leave me. The problem with this interesting speculation--that it is the universe that is evolving, through us--is that it is pure hypothesis. Why not do your own research and find out. But being more aware of the planet in which we are all connected and not taking any opinion as fact is a great conclusion to this film. Employees were to follow strict practices, most of them heart breaking. To get to the point, 80 years in a lifetime is far too less for anyone of us to ingest and make sense of every TRUTH and cross reference and come to a uniform conclusion and universal acceptance as TRUTH (after achieving this within us). Every language is different, especially in the order you put your words, so people who try to correct your spelling and grammar in a discussion about being bright is really a sign of the lowest form of intelligence. And while Jung may be, arguably, in tune with the overall tenor, Nietzche, among others, certainly is not. After a 40 year career in that capacity I am now retired. Jessica Richardson January 27, 2014 at 10:00 am. for example, U. ca) and John Harris (tpuc. Every Sunday the Interns would bring some of the patients to the Corronet Sweet Shop (where I worked) for lunch. That is what I believe is the important part that should be taken from this. Do you have knowledge that gives you the power to say pbhu. I no longer live in new York my cell number is 5713155124. To have anyone express a different opinion is a threat to their security and so the fight is on. We had a woman pass away of a heart attack in her sleep on our ward. She lived in Yonkers so I am looking for institutions she may have worked at. Once they tied me to a bed with wet sheets layored with ice and opened the window in winter. I dont agree with all points and speculative conclusions raised in this film. For all of you who are bashing this film, take a step to the side and open your minds a bit. Would it be a valid theory if I told you that i have a boogeyman under my bed, and ever time anyone looks for him, then he turns invisible. My grandmother peggy was there until 1962 when she died. People who try to back their claims up by scientific studies are rather arrogant about their ignorance. if you have anything you can tell me about what happened please email me before 01 January 2015. This was like an incision into the dead part of my brain. This to me sounds false, because not all court cases are monetary based, such as court cases involving custody, unless the author is considering a child monetary. The sun rules Leo, which is very bound to the ego, and the gratification of the ego is symbolized by the tarot card the sun. In this world there is alot of BS, the trick is to sort through it and divine what truth you can from it. I grew up down the road from Rockland Psych and I work at the Orangetown Historical Museum in Orangeburg. He gives us the Bible as a perfect guide to where the truth treasures are. Were the shaman of the tribe not spiritual leaders for the others. Rockland State Hospital was a tough place to work and and a sad way to take care of the patients. Next question: Does Jesus give us any guidance. org). I have considered some of your statements Eric. The message is: take responsebility for yourself, not others. I would really love if you could e-mail me and tell me more about it. This documentary reflects my core beliefs and philosophy about our universe. However, I have to say that this film does outline many of my own philosophies, and I agree with the general message. She also spent her life at Rockland and in Kings Park Psych. Yes, RCPC is still open, though I believe the building you were in is not the same one they have now. By any chance do you remember an inmate named Elizabeth Egan. Nevertheless, that comment of yours does not seem quite fair. What I was trying to convey earlier is that we humans all, as one of you noted, make mistakes. And I think your are right about the importance of love. Rather they should make a memorial for all the patients who suffered and died there. None of us are authorities on anything, we are all learning through individual experiences and can only talk about what we have seen on our journey. Since you prefer to use biblical references I am using the same. This Documentary gives you some new and fresh viewpoints, which could explain a lot. In the right context, it can be constructive. It demonstrates stereotypical thinking to dismiss the author simply because of his age. There is nothing to discover, he theorized that it exists. A change in consciousness is coming to a city near u December 21st 2012. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. Many of the ends of buildings have little pavilions. Everything that we rebut and accept is based on the limitations of our lives aquired through books, ideas and other information hubs that may be watered down and downright wrong. On Creativity and Consciousness by David Bohm, one of the most enlightened scientists of late XXth century. The doc itself was pretty disjointed, and had some weak points. They plan something like communist China for our grandchildren. I remember being transfixed by the sight of the hulking buildings and the enclosed areas were you could see people moving about. We began locking the doors to the house then. Whoever made it, Thank You kind Sir or Madam. I found your site while trying to find information about Charlotte Oliver who was my Director of RPC during the early seventies. So humans make mistakes, learn and move on. Elias Gootzeit October 7, 2013 at 7:22 am. Keep Rockland State Hospital up as some sort of landmark. In 1960, I was 2 years old and moved there. Back in the fourties it really was the only place to go for employment. He draws absurd conclusions without providing the slightest piece of evidence, and performs silly word associations using dictionary definitions, all the while claiming that language has become corrupted. You have to take the hand that you are dealt and make the best of it. Best comparance to the above would without question - IMO - be Zeitgeist 1 and 2. I think this was a fantastic documentary, however it just touches the surface of ideas and philosophies. For more information about this look up Robert Menard (thinkfree. Anytime a person changes it is because they chose to change. but the idea to do this had to start somewhere, usually from a teacher. Its indeed amazing to find people commenting negatively about this documentary and at times even personal attacks on the film maker. They are imperfect tools because they do not adequately convey what the speaker is trying to express. Stewart is acting as an authority on authorities. but really is this so. In fact some may never find the higher consciousness that some are able to, which is why some of you all may be upset about this film. Many people have been terribly affected over the years. Well done. There is a whole section of philosophy called Epistemology that examines this topic. He was a psych patient there and was featured in an HBO documentary around 1988-89. Mr. Many Thanks. Agreement with anyone does not imply that they are suddenly your leader. It mixed other peoples work with mysticism and the producers personal agenda. Just stumbled across this site and I must say it is amazing. All in all there are no proven facts in this documentry, but from a personal point of view a lot that is said here reaffirm some of my own beliefs i have through my experiences and intuitions. org has a complete reference section for the kymatica series. The author also seems to have a conspiracy mindset. They were all special people who we would give extra scoops of ice cream. The only laws that should exist are common law. The scariest thing about the place is the potential to run into the housed sex offenders or drug addicts that live in the new building. W