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Losing weight with marijuana -

21-12-2016 à 16:37:46
Losing weight with marijuana
There were root causes for my drinking and drugging. Dirk, could you cite the study which has proven that, or if it is your personal opinion, include that in your comment. Keep strong, exercise, eat well, relax, yoga, massages, and also ecourage your friends and family to support you. Included in the post I shared is a theory about cannabis users choosing to claim dependency and seeking treatment in order to avoid serving time in jail. If you want marijuana to be legalized, taxed, and regulated for adults, YOU can make it happen. I do have other mental problems but I find the best medicine was mj. After all, the early 20th century laws that were passed to prevent pot use were originally all about the need to make people adhere to some invisible authority figure. Lets be real people this is not the same weed that we smoked 20 years ago this crap is made in labs and yes it was bad back then but now it beyond that. I will think of you and pray you are staying strong. Switch up your routine and fill spaces where you would usually smoke with other things. I am a nurse and I have no reason to put any BS on this website about withdrawals, Ive seen alot of withdrawals from different drugs, the withdrawals people do experience from marijuana are real and completely true. From all the studies and anecdotal information, Marijuana seems definitely physically addictive for a significant number of users. I started at 16, stopped last month on my 49th bday. (2004). Granted I only smoke high quality bud which helps as mersh tends to demotivate me. Mostly just slight trembling all over, ususaly happens when im having chills and cold sweats. No one has ever died, its cheap, and you can quit smoking for a month long period at your discretion. Residents home-growing pot were selling it illegally in other states. Irritability is a common symptom when one has no cannabis during a dry spell. Count yourselves lucky and have some sympathy for those less genetically fortunate than yourselves. I have tried almost everything but pot is the only thing I have used in the last six years. I have no agenda to promote. I had all these adverse effects, thinking there was something wrong with me, if you think your just talking down to a bunch of mitochondriacs, shut up, sit down, and do something productive, because you are aggravating everyone, pot has increased 10 fold in potency, stop smoking mec you little caniving nerd that was never accepted in High School. I wanna quit but it takes 30 days wtf am I going to do Jon u are obviously. I remain unconvinced that cannabis causes withdrawal symptoms without other factors coming into play. Im buying a new car, and had to quit for a month or two to pay taxes and etc on the car. They all have chemicals in them that do different things in the body. Every morning I was nauseous, and everyday- all day I had no appetite, I made sure to eat after I got high so that I could eat without forcing anything down. When people exhibit chronic behavior for years a sudden change in that could cause all sort of symptoms. I had a doctor ask me how many times have you smoked, counting a sit down session as 1, after 15 min. You might have said it later but that is irrelevant. My creativity is actually better as well and my skills are getting better at my art form. I adore pot, I think alcohol is wonderful and I really, really enjoyed smoking not to mention alot of nose candy and psycholodelics in my younger days. How do you know he chose the worst of them. I only quit smoking because I want a better job. This was 4 months ago and I had the most awful time withdrawing. Week 1: Despite missing my evening smoking session and feeling some mild irritability, I felt fine. I make 3000k a month take home pay and I was living paycheck to paycheck, it was all going into pot. How can you discount what so many of us are saying. The effects are precisely the same for many people. Hot and cold sweats, insomnia, depression, fever, swollen glands in my neck, nausea, I wake up covered in sweat with wet sheets. But when I quit smoking pot it got worse too. Thanks to all that have posted, it gives me hope that it will get better. Whilst unpleasant i dont think it was in anyway life threatening. This happens everytime I run out of weed. Do you constantly judge people and put other down out of your own inadequacy. These symptoms are very real, maybe not for you but certainly are for me and many others. You were kind to reassure Brandon who was having a hard time. I might argue the above harm reduction label is consistent with known risk profiles. Not counting nicotine, addiction researchers usually cite figures in the 10-15 per cent range for most drugs of abuse. He is in no way saying that pot is a horrible thing or even addictive. I have smoked pot for almost fifteen years every day and after 5 weeks of not smoking I feel like crap. I started smoking with friends out of boredom, and continued it because I enjoyed it. Lol My brain is finally back to itself, my mood swings are totally gone i still have the odd panic attack but nothing as bad as i used to. With the exception of benzos, I personally would prefer the wds from the other drugs over marijuana. Obviously my energy system is pretty wacked from this whole experience but overall. Once most of the withdrawal symptoms wore off- I actually felt really high not being high. I know about using drugs and i know there are underlying reasons someone would smoke the amount you are describing. In all fairness, cannabis is often much safer than many of the things we consume on a daily basis. No where in the article was it ever mentioned that everyone gets wds, it would have made the article more informative but in no way is required for it be true and factual. Who are you and what makes you qualified. The only thing I can take for any length of time with zero adverse effects. I also recommend strongly that one change their daily routine up and do something new during the time that getting stoned would normally occur. After 37 years of daily smoking (not off and on as you have) I stopped five days ago. And if you only go a week without, and smoke every day, and have been on all of those other drugs, I would imagine that it would probably take you a little longer to really begin to feel the effects of marijuana withdrawal. ) I drink occasionally, but not often. alchohol) does far more damage and ruins more lives worldwide than cannabis ever did or will. Pot may not be addicting for an occassional user, I know people like this but it is for me because I have smoked everyday since I was 14 years old. I believe you do not have these terrible symptoms but some of us do. Hey talk to me when you blow through an oz a week for 15 years and then try to stop. I thought I had the flu the night weats waking every few hours. However i will not allow my self to continue smoking one ounce a month. Think about the number of people around you who have an addiction or some form of OCD. bike often, I have multiple websites and several other projects all going at the same time. They were talking about a weekend without caffeine, not without marijuana. In fact, quitting has actually led to me catching a cold or flu a number of times- I think just from the lack of quality sleep and stress weakening my immune system. Most of the withdrawal symptoms I can handle just fine, but the nightmares are unbearable. Oh well, maybe someday, I live in Ohio, not California so this may not be so soon. Wow you ignorant mother fucker, saying withdrawal from marijuana is fake. I certainly feel this has an effect on outcome. There can be mild differences in your feelings after you stop, some of them may cause some discomfort. Those with Higher body fat percentages tend to take longer to rid their systems of THC, as it is stored in fat cells. I accuse you of careless, sloppy, undisciplined thinking. go back to work and end up smoking at least two more blunts. Or perhaps you just thought the article would have more impact if you hid the complete truth. I have smoked for 26 years, daily pretty much without a break. Maybe marijuana addiction to this severity is not common but it is definitely possible. What else do you know about these individuals. Its hard to continue to be with someone that is mean and grumpy all the time, when you know that person is not normally like that. Never had any withdrawal symptoms from anything that put any amount of hindrance on my day except a few hangovers from my partying days. I have experienced other drug withdrawal and now withdrawal from weed after smoking a lot everyday for over seven years. For anecdote-free science writing about this particular issue, see the 2nd part. I cant even be arround my mother with out going off on her for nuthing. The initiative passed last month with 1. But man all these symptoms sound like tobacco withdrawal or just BS. It is what the mentality and chemistry of the person that causes different reactions. Most of the references in the article to which you refer are older cites, particular from the 1970s and 1980s. Heck, coke and meth only stay in the system for 3-5 days. I also feel as if I have ADHD, which I have never felt until I quit smoking. Nobody here knows or cares about you, so there is no need to lie or exaggerate. I thought it would be terribly hard to quit simply because of the habit. It is certainly true that withdrawal symptoms can occur in the absence of addiction. Like many of my friends and colleagues, I consider marijuana to be a relatively low-risk drug when used in moderation by responsible adults. I always thought that much smoking was a waste of time and money. One more time: The fact that somebodychas smoked pot for 30 years and can quit without symptoms is entirely irrelevant to my article. Cannabis might be difficult to give up for some (not you of course) and present some unpleasant symptoms for a few weeks, does not necessarily make it dangerous. A very deep feeling of dread and a sense that I was going completely insane. Ok ill admit dreaming and sweats maybe not but no sleep for sure and goes on for some time me personally 4 weeks roughly n the rest of emotional issues and loss of appetite come from the no sleep not the erb. C. Withdrawal was total and complete hell for me. as i type this i have not smoked for 4 days because i ran out and the town is dry. This cheeky mother fucker used to ring me and ask me was i ok for stuff and everything. I would like to congratulate anybody who have stayed strong im nearly two weeks of it and the dizzy feeling is the worst for me, i make sure to force feed my self every day even if i gag i still eat and i feel like shit after doing it, my body starts making the most fucked up noises, like when you make the fart sound from your mouth lol. Go to work (by the way being high increased my sales) come home for lunch and hit the zong hard for 30 min. Lol, the guy that calls himself a scientist without providing his field of emphasis sounds like a troll. Recently I took a trip for a weekend and had to go without both cannabis and caffeine. As a scientific journalist, you seem to have completely overlooked science that does not conform to your obviously predetermined viewpoint. I am happy to hear that therapy proved to be an effective treatment alternative for you. I had smoked before and nothing like this developed- nothing at all, my boyfriend seemed to be proof too. First thing I would do in the morning is smoke a bong and last thing at night smoke a bong, bongs constantly. I am a researcher at a university and have studied the effects of drugs, particularly alcohol, on the brain for the last decade or so. If I was mentally ill then why did I function so well when I was using pot. Day 3 i started having cold sweats at work, and would sometimes wake up with cold sweats. al. There are a lot of varients out there and THC levels have raised exponentially in the last 10 years. I am 37 and have smoked pot everyday since I was 16 (21 years). You must not know that guy who sits around obsessing about where the next bag is coming from- when he just got back from the dealer. (I support the legalization of marijuana. This time I am having digestive trouble, headache, insomnia, terrible anxiety, body aches, headaches, and what feel like hot flashes. This is not the conversation that we should be having. I totally agree with the regular long terms users. What side effects there are are familiar to us all: munchies, a very interesting outlook, then sleepyness. These functions shed light on common hallmarks of cannabis withdrawal, such as anxiety, chills, sweats, flu-like physical symptoms, and decreased appetite. These chemicals occur naturally in the brain but marijuana increases the levels. Just because you went to college and have a degree in some kind of science does not mean you get to write any nonsense you please. ). al. This usually lasts for 3 to 4 days after the last time you smoke. To quote retired Orange County Superior Court Judge James Gray. I find myself waiting later to go to bed, to try to put off the inevitable, which is only increasing my exhaustion. Slowly over time I began smoking a little more and more until I could smoke a bowl by myself without anxiety. Obviously there is science and there are personal testimonies on both sides of the issue. We need to stop denying the fact that there a problem and start taking the steps to correct them. BUT the one I am struggling with are the vivid dreams. You probably only smoked once in a while. Why does these addicts always end up in legalizing weed. Insomnia for me being the worst part and for me this went on for over two months. I bet not one of said I wonder if this is from not smoking and during this awful time in your pick up a joint,blunt, or bowl while having withdraw seen if it took it away instead of just kept going threw it. Forget about the weekends when I was just sitting around all day. -- Due to the largely unfounded and negative speculations that have lately sprung up in the media, contemplating and trying to predict the new administration and its position on cannabis legalization, we are seeing much uncertainty around the country as it pertains to our industry. Alcahol and Marijuana cannot really be compared, nice try though. People need to educate themselves on the risks of ANY drug, and the fact of the matter is, that cannabis is safer than the vast majority of synthetic drugs. Feel free to peruse the references and catch up on the growing literature of marijuana withdrawal. The possibility of experiencing withdrawal symptoms is not a sufficient reason to prohibit anything. When this is good quality bud, you are probably gonna have some problems stopping after a few years. Subjects were excluded if they reported that they had used another class of drugs more than 100 times in their lifetimes or had consumed more than five alcoholic drinks per day continuously for one month or more in their lifetimes. Insomnia, loss of appetite, rapid temperature changes, irritability, severe body aches and pains, digestive system upset and severe moods including awful anxiety. The lack of appetite can be a part of a more general feeling of sickness that has been described as low-level flu like symptoms. FWIW I would probably legalise all drugs and treat it as a medical health issue. Since then- I try to keep myself from getting too deep in it. I am a long time user of cannabis and have quit a number of times. You will need to click on my name to go the blog sorry. You must live on the east coast where I have seen nothing but butt swag, for those who do know is mexican brick weed. I guess all those crack addicts are just con artists looking for sympathy. Interesting while i was high all day i went unemployed for over a year. That is to say if your quiting to see things clearer it will not work. And it was THIS that caused it to be prohibited in the first place. It tasted awful and barely got me high, but tonight I did it again, and I was so impatient that I put the resin-alcohol solution in the oven to help it evaporate. Recently I took a trip for a weekend and had to go without both cannabis and caffeine. Those who have posted here criticizing the article because they fear it will interfere with their pot legalization agenda are poorly informed, and demonstrate a complete lack of compassion. I hate the hypocritical way that Alcohol and Tobacco are legal and marijuana is illegal when it is probably the least of the 3 when abused as far as health problems(not sure there are any with marijuana-though this author obviously disagrees). Let me tell you, the caffeine withdrawals I could feel. This may be due, at least in part, to the long half-life of THC. I never expected I would feel any withdrawal, I am fit and healthy and have a very stable family life. I gave up smoking weed one day and never picked up a joint there after It was an off the cuff moment and quite out the blue, why I gave up I have no idea but I did. However, I made it through those symptoms- distracted myself as much as possible- exercised a ton and took two months off this spring. Just as if you give a vegan or vegetarians meat after a long green diet their stomach will not be used to it, and in effect will cause nausea. At 55 I have finally decided to grow up and stop even though I love it. get yourself familiarized with the word hydroxocobalamin too, cos you ll need it very soon to get off cynaide poisoning if you use CYANOCOBALAMIN so many times. I have been smoking since age 12 and am now 42. Insomnia continued to this day (four years later). I have to write or type slower to do it accurately. It feels similar to opioid withdrawal but different. I had put off quitting, because I was afraid that the nightmares would begin again, and I was right. Tim, a number of skeptics here have concluded that the 500 testimonials of pot addiction on my blog are not reliable case histories, but rather the statements of weak and confused people suffering from various forms of mental disorders that they mistakenly attribute to cannabis withdrawal. I have been smoking pot since I was 17, I am now 34, happily married with a child. I beleive doing anything that often and that long will have psychological withdrawl symptoms such as always being with a girl or a computer game. Review of the Validity and Significance of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome. It feels good to say no and if it takes 2 months as most people say well just remember everyday that goes by is one less to get there,, peace out people no hope in the dope, have to go or im gonna shit my self, bye bye. Sometimes things happen and I have to quit for a bit. Free Marijuana Given Away Outside of State House. Ironic or otherwise, the panic attacks only began some time after I had stopped getting high every day. I believe it should be made legal, and i will also continue to smoke. Hell when I was in my experimental phase of life is when I opened my first business, which was a music recording studio. Very few people report diarrhea or nausea, but it does exist for some of us. When not smoking I would have these psychotic fits of rage and act completely out of character. As to describing these as withdrawal caused by cannabis that is another matter. It helped my PTSD when I returned as without it I had daily nightmares. If true, then these studies are simply demonstrating that a minority of the population, most likely predisposed to some sort of arbitrary addiction, experience the effects of addiction after stopping marijuana usage, and provide an explanation for the effects experienced. IF you smoke for a while there is a withdraw. This piece is too far from reality to be taken seriously. Best of wishes to all who are going through this. This conversation needs to be science-based, not anecdotal responses to perpetuated myths about cannabis. It is this twisting, or omission, of facts relating to cannabis that I am reacting to. That does not mean crack is not addicting. Just keep in there and it will eventually get better. You must feel pretty shitty about yourself to put so many people down like that. I smoked at least once a day, up to 4 joints a day by myself. It was not as fantastic as I might have feared I just relaxed a bit and enjoyed the moment. I smoked 3-6 times a day for the past 7 months. Withdrwls are real you have so smoke good shit which u dont. Occasionally something comes up and I need to get clean. Or, the guy who developed a psychosis is just imagining it. I do get irritable, however by nature I am quite an irritable person. My girlfriend is getting the bad me at the minute but any time i lose it i for some reason lash out on her verbaly like a king dickhead 5 minutes later i feel totally retarded and im hugging and kissing her and listening to her laughing calling me crazy, love this girl to bits and intend on give her everything she wants. You have no clue your fancy school back ground will never allow you to know. These stories are leaving out the other substances that may have caused these withdrawals or, most likely, just propaganda. Marijuana was a symptom, not the cause of your problems. That being said, I now wish I had never started. Will the author please point the readers to these testimonials. I know I am just some random girl in cyberspace, but I am going through the same things you are. As Samantha said, getting to the bottom of what you are coping with is the real issue. That is not my drug of choice, however, I prefer pot. However, given the replies to others by D. I have seen all my friends grow up get good jobs, find a partner, have kids, get a house and live life to the full and i still live at home getting high sat on the pc all night. In addition to taking a logic class, you should probably know what the words you are using mean. A less well-known consequence of daily, repeated marijuana use is a withdrawal syndrome, characterized by a time-dependent constellation of symptoms: irritability, anxiety, marijuana craving, decreased quality and quantity of sleep, and decreased food intake. Indeed, no one has ever died using it either. Lets talk carrots, eat only carrots for a week, then stop, guess what will happen, your vision will slightly blur. I do not have any symptoms except a little trouble getting to sleep and a little irritability. Your degree must be from a on line course. Weed is used medically, not to cure anything but pain relief and making appetite for patients having side effects from treatments like chemotherapy for cancer. Try going for a month if you want to be more accurate. If you smoke consistently everyday for 6 years or more then stop cold turkey these withdrawal symptoms are very very real. I read this post in a retard voice in my head, it was fitting. Rather than hide, I have a blog, Addiction Inbox, where these matters are discussed quite openly. So, why would an author choose me to demonstrate that there are withdrawals. There are no other reasons why I should feel like this and it must only be because of the years of smoking weed and the sudden decision to cease using. The fear perpetrated in media coverage like this, in a time when we should be waiting to see what will actually happen, is astonishing and not helpful. Felt pretty pissed before I read your comments. Trust me. Compared to the headaches and diarrhea I experienced when I swore-off my 3-5 cups of coffee a day, it was very mild indeed. He lashes out at other and pick verbal confrontations with others. I think I could of killed someone who mouthed at me. No where in your first paragraph is that stated. Yet I would have said the same last week before I went cold turkey expecting zero repercussions. Its ok for some but others seem to get a problem with it. I have smoked for at least 12 years and I have never felt any withdrawls. The brain takes a little while to create new reward pathways after having been under the effect of THC (and the rest). I would literally go through two ounces in a 7 day period, granted sometimes I had somebody else smoking with me. The tiniest amount of cannabis enjoyed during a down moment of a day, or a part of a pre-sleep ritual can do as much for an attitude as a nap, a bite to eat, or even a quick session of meditation or yoga. Nonsense- Nepelese Temple Ball, Afghani Black, double zero, Thia Sticks, Sensimillia, Columbian Red, Cambodian Weed, to name but a few of the potent varieties of years past. I believe withdrawal comes from the chemical addiction that people have to the substance which causes physical symptoms to appear once they are off of it. I have no doubt that these experiences are real and described accurately. I was forced to quit for a few months 7 years ago. Yes, this is anectodal evidence, but given the lurid descriptions of these intense withdrawals it is worthy to note that our experiences would seem to contradict this study. The only person benefiting from illegality of weed, is the dealer. Denver -- Marijuana legalization brought unexpected challenges to Colorado, and it was rarely clear what part of state government was supposed to solve them, or how. My boyfriend has smoked heavily for 20 years, I have been with him the past 3 years. Conventional one-on-one psychotherapy, so useful in the areas where it has application, is of no use whatsoever in the treatment of addiction. I had deep issues that as a teen, and I could not deal with them in a direct way. You may have no issues with it, and I am so happy for you. While there is limited research indicating marijuana can cause withdrawal in a small percentage of its users, the truth is that these people were likely either genetically susceptible to addiction or were using other substances in combination. it is REAL. So yes the symptoms of withdrawal are real, and the addiction is real. e that cannabis is great and has no downsides. Halfway through week 3 the cravings kicked in. A within-subject comparison of withdrawal symptoms during abstinence from cannabis, tobacco, and both substances. The pot I was smoking was a great deal stronger this time round and it should be born in mind that different plants have incrediably varied forms of THC. I also get the sweats and get irritated and angry very quick over little stuff. What was the longest amount of days you quit smoking weed. I used to take methadone and smoke high quality pot at the same time, and when i quit smoking the pot, i would have sever vomiting episodes that lasted about 24 hours. What kind of pain only comes once a month. Head ache comes and goes, dreams are back to normal, shaking is still happening, however not as intense, mostly gone. 8 million people voting for the measure, despite the opposition of top politicians, the Catholic Church, doctors and business groups, and an array of other civic leaders. If I have been having trouble sleeking and smoke to sleep that insomnia may return. You can experience withdrawal symptoms from ceasing a behaviour without being addicted. Have stopped and in day five am having headaches, fever, major lung congestion, heart palpitations, aches, major anxiety. In the same way you have chosen to use personal testimonies in your research, I also see my own testimony as substantial. The only thing that has been easy is staying away from the bowl because I feel like crap and I never want to go through this again, NEVER. I have smoked pot on and off for about 25 years, I have had no problem with it, no paranoia, and I can go for months on end without it. The rest of you are trying to excuse your own addiction (scientists or not). Or when I get off a long exhausting day of work on the way home when I take those few puffs driving down the freeway to give me that extra mental boost to go and work out. It ruins your life on top of withdrawals. The reason why your article is so lame, is because you fail to address the facts you state in the comments section in the actual article. Etc Etc. Anyone who abuses anything will go thru withdrawals. And I absolutely relate to the comments of some mentioned above. Because of these dreams, I could not wait until I would be able to smoke again. I cannot sleep, but I do not feel productive. None of us experience any cravings for marijuana and none of us are compelled to voraciously consume any marijuana that has been placed in front of us. So i have the self control to NOT WANT TO DO some real nasty drugs after experimenting with them. Marijuana withdrawals are very real, and very disruptive to the lives of those of us who experience them. I smoke all day until I go to work the night shift. Otherwise, the percentage would be much higher, and the comments on this blog would have more than a 2% agreement rate with your selected testimonials. I suspect articles such as this were originally funded by wacko religious government officials who wanted to make a point about Jesus or something. Tell me that you all have been smoking for 10-30 years because you enjoy blowing money on something that turns you into a pseudo vegitable. For some of us, marijuana withdrawals are VERY REAL, and those that are calling it BS are grossly misinformed. However, I started again and just quit for good this time seven days ago. The majority of the references in my bibliography represent scientific research conducted in the past 15 years. People who EAT TOO MUCH go thru withdrawals. But the past few days I have been experiencing chills and sweats, surprisingly to me. (2-8 bowls a day depending on day) Some shared, mostly alone. The topic of legalization is such a touchy one right now that I understand why some posters are concerned that this article may be used as anti-marijuana propaganda. I was so hooked on pot I could even function My whole life revolved around pot. Life is like a box of chocolates, and the withdrawal from chocolates is worse than marijuana. It is just that they have been collated by a group of people trying to make some sort of point. This is the first slightly antimatijuana post I have ever written and to sum it up from my experience not that anyone is likely to take any notice, I would say unfortunately prolonged use will give you a lot of psychological withdrawals as well as physical withdrawl symptoms unfortunately, equilibrium, there is always a catch. This knowledge helps explain a wide range of THC withdrawal symptoms. Marijuana has provided profound healing relief to me in my life without a doubt. Try smokin a bowl every three four hours almost every day for over 15 years and then stop. The fact that cannabis is not habit-forming was discovered about 100 years ago, and was even used in treating drug addiction. I do not have this luxury, I cannot afford it even without having to buy my pot. e. It was the worst experience of my entire life, even worse than being pinned into a car wreckage for over a hour. Sure someone may have exagerrated or is just a mental case that blames their mental illness on pot. These problems started on day two of not smoking and are continuing now into week five. Steer clear kids, or you will end up like this rambler with a programmed pro-drugs attitude. I have a stressful job and used weed as a switch-off when i got home- for ten years ha. These dreams varied widely in content, from people with automatic weapons invading my home and killing my family in front of me, to my wife leaving me to enter prostitution. The root causes of addiction do not lie buried in your subconscious, waiting to be unearthed. Day 8ish Shakes were so bad, i could hardly hold a drink. So, yes. Tell yourself you are o. I agree, this is set up probably with the folks against legalizing it. I remember last time I quit, I used some regular salvia divinorum leaf twice to help with the cravings and anxiety. I had a bit of down time and that was the first time I thought about pot. Just Google it before you talk about it man. I can not concentrate and feel almost no motivation to do anything. Today was a bad day until now, i feel a little better from reading some posts i dont mean it in a bad way but up until now i thought my grave was gonna be dug soon from the way i felt. Shame on you Sir for not discussing all of the relevant issues that surround this hotly debated topic in your article. and its a very low thc content. Of course he is going to choose people that had withdrawals. Tobacco, alcohol and caffeine have ALL been shown under clinical settings to be addictive. Week 3: Sudden onset of incredibly intense and vivid dreams. It has allowed me to see what is wrong and to actually do something about it all rather than just toke up. SR 141716 (Rimonabant) precipitates withdrawal in marijuana-dependent mice. So, I think there are some things one goes through when quitting. And what kind of scientific survey asks the respondents to volunteer after reading an ad. Rather than mocking people for turning to an online forum to help themselves get through a difficult time you should applaud the likes of me and the others here for making a hard decision and at least trying to better themselves. To the rest of you, good luck in whatever stage of remission, retry, rehab, or detox your in. It is similarly alarming that of all of the supposed random samples listed in your article, none reflect the experiences of the (I assume random) comments. Dirk, you need to stop adding to the ignorance and lack of critical thinking already so prevalent in our society. Night sweats first couple of weeks, the dreams, holy crap the dreams. Addiction is possible with ANYTHING and for ANYONE. Yes, I was referring to the science in this article saying that cannabis is simply not habit forming, indicating that if you are finding samples as above, there might be something else at play, rather than a true chemical reaction to an addictive drug. I have not ever taken hard drugs, but ask me to give up food and stick to a diet and its like as if my world crumples into a heap, I have thoughts about food in my head that messes with my cognition to the point whereby I will go eat something just becuase. Liekwise some precribed medications can produce or induce adverse effects inome individuals. I am saying that for anyone to say that it is completely harmless and non addictive, they are not paying attention. I smoked crack a handful of times when I was sixteen and I never got addicted, it was something I did with a friend that had it. I bet you still live at home with your parents too hey. Just by you saying such a ridiculous thing makes me wonder who in the hell would give you a degree. Cannabanoids are way more beneficial then any pharmaceutical product, do your research and it becomes obvious. 5 years and that was way harder giving up. Ive been smoking it for about 20 years. The air was crisp, food was organic and after 3 weeks we were pretty much done going around. occupy your time with other things and you will see the results. I am doing this to pass a drug test for an externship for college. It is my drug of choice and it stands between me and a successful career. When a pathological narcissist like yourself is baked, the world can rest a little and not have to listen to YOUR BULLSHIT. Hi again, my post took off before I could finish it. This did make me feel as if I was out of touch with reality and I had to take 2 months of work to recover. Kouri and Harrison Pope at Harvard showed 60% of long time marijuana users had significant withdrawal symptoms. The Department of Health and Human Services even holds a patent on cannabinoids as known neuroprotectants and antioxidants. R. It took a year and therapy with a brain damage specialist to get back to square one. You can almost think of it as the opposite of the munchies. I have stopped on and off and for long periods without effect, but THIS time it hit me like a tidal wave, with all symptoms mentioned. Please take a look at this article and see that we paranoid pro-pot-people have a real struggle on our hands. They are quite similar to that of other drugs, I found them physically and mentally harder then nicotine or caffeine, and there is no debate on whether they cause withdrawals. If you dont believe this site, look elsewhere on the internet. That is a far call from understanding what is actually happening. , et. Week 4: This is where the real problems began for me. It is not THC that is causing each individual problem. You must be a doctor or god to be able to call bullshit so easy. Some of us like a more rounded approach these days. Hanson: If you are aware of any means to reduce the nightmares, please send me an email, or post about it. Posted by CN Staff on December 14, 2016 at 14:42:45 PT. That dude with the ugly dog has a real chip on his shoulder. And, subsequently, stopping that routine will most definatly cause a reaction of some kind. (2008). I did not have these crazy symptons when I was high. Why this author chooses to promote his own agenda is beyond me but it highlights either his poor journalism or his complete and utter ignorance on the subject. But as ever- it is a case of different strokes for different folks- some people find moderate cannabis use. I had no idea that I would feel as sick to my stomache as I have for the last three days, including intense night sweats. And I drank me some whiskey over the years. I feel the same as I always feel (except after a nice BT). It has helped me heal from depression, get over childhood trauma, and provided all kind of relief from injuries. Physically, I feel better than I have for years. Since Dirk has already stated that he supports the legalization of marijuana in no way is this article propaganda, he offers no opinions on the matter in the article. I stopped smoking marijuana for ten years (well, less that once a month at MOST). next 6 hours. I thought I was sick, I thought I was pregnant, I thought I was going crazy. I had been 90% sober for almost a year before that. Do you think this might be part of why they got addicted to it. Now I can smoke no problem, occasionally certain strains will bring back a little anxiety, so I just stay away from those strains. I have been smoking good bud for about 25 years, quitting is not easy and comes with a handful of very unpleasant symptoms (for me at least), insomnia (by far the most frustrating), constipation, bowel pain, sweating. I am quite positive that I will be crazy forever. I decided to take the booze away frist and then the cigs and weed. Feelings of hopelessness and of going crazy began to diminish. After reading this blog, this is just the most recent of a litany of posts here that demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge or compassion for those of us that ARE experiencing marijuana withdrawals. I enjoyed out the remaining two weeks and came back home and the first thing I did was smoke a blunt when I got picked up from the airport. So, based on your own account, it has become your opinion or assumption that caffeine is a stronger drug then marijuana. I am happy today, and have forgiven folks who harmed me. I have rapid heart beat, sweats, irritability, cannot concentrate, have no motivation, and I am constipated. I smoked full-time for about 4 years then quit because I started to have panic attacks when I got high. When I get bored is when it is the strongest. I got my ribs straightened out and my pain went away and all that but the anxiety remained for a long time, and I think I went through every type of anxiety attack there is, which included everything on this page, so I quit smoking pot because at the time it made my anxiety worse. My boyfriend has been sober from alcohol for 20 years and when he quit he lay on the floor for a week shaking and halucinating before he could even attempt to do anything. Example a type 1 dietetic with an extreme case of neuropathy who cannot leave the house or even function without 2gs of hash a day would obviously feel some kind of withdrawal, when a body is super dependent on any chemical or substance obviously the body will feel some sort of negative connotation without that dependence. It is super addictive and withdrawals are VERY real. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience and security. Do you watch movies and think you can act better. You are not addicted, you have a habit, but you are no more addicted to pot and thc then you are tomatoes and lycopene. I became so stressed or restless when not smoking that I went from not smoking at all really, to smoking on a daily schedule. A subset of marijuana smokers develop a cannabis use disorder and seek treatment for their marijuana use on their own initiative. There is anecdote that shows some folk have difficulty they attribute to giving up pot. Geez. In the same way, the testimonies in your article prove to you that marijuana creates withdrawal symptoms. It makes me so mad to hear the disbelievers, Just look at the 500 blog entries the author refers to. Week 4 and its the depression and crying feeling like I am going insane. Think off the tricks it plays to get you to sleep when you dont want to go to sleep. I will never touch a drug again weed is up there with heroin only dif is people dont see it that way. I used to have to go to work high because if i didnt, i would feel like shit and couldnt deal with anything. A very deep feeling of dread and a sense that I was going completely insane. I think the withdrawal symptoms have a lot to do with the potency of the weed. Kinship ties- the extended family- even the nuclear family- are fragemented, community bonds such as the trade unions, working mens clubs, public houses, social clubs, libraries, schools, public transport- in short the social infrastucture and fabric that gave direction, a sense of belonging, of place, of mapping life and ones personal development- all have long gone. What kind of doctor thinks that adding a substance reguarly to their system for years and then stopping it has NO fall out. I have used marijuana since I was 16, I am 20 now and of course cannot say I have always smoked as needed. To suggest otherwise is a demonstration of ignorance. From my experience, these withdrawals are closer to alcohol, meth, crack, and heroin (not even tobacco, yes people go into rehab for tobacco). I am not stuffing my face (munchies), lost some weight, my mind is clear. Your saying you smoke only once a month obviously you will not get a physical dependance at that level. Not sure how long it will take, but I do look forward to the day when this has all passed. You are the not only rude but you sir are full of BS and a joke to those around you. You have clearly never smoked any quality weed in your life or you would not have made those comments. As an example, I doubt you would argue that the 10% or so of drinkers who become alcoholics are a bunch of BS artists faking their symptoms, using as your sole argument the fact that you and your friends are capable of drinking responsibly. If you are equating food or exercise addiction with pot addiction, then i agree. Anybody interested in following a program read the blog below. Here is a sampling of comments from dependent marijuana smokers, gathered from my blog, Addiction Inbox. For a minority of users, marijuana is an addictive drug. Thus, alleviation of abstinence symptoms may contribute to the maintenance of daily marijuana use in chronic users. I will never touch weed again i will get better and i will never forget the madness that i am going through. You have smoked on and off not daily for years. When I do sleep I am waking up every hour or so and I have vivid sometimes nightmarish dreams. Ask a drunkard how he feels after NOT drinking for a week, or a doper, or any other slang termed drug user. So in ending I have to say your name should have been BS and not BS spotter. Feelings of hopelessness and of going crazy began to diminish. Please feel free to respond as I am going through a tuff time right now. I am a strong proponent of MJ in general and believe it should be legalized, as well as used for medical purposes. I drank 2 30 packs in a week- I just had to change something. However i will not allow my self to continue smoking one ounce a month. The worst of it seemed to abate after a couple of weeks or less. The more I smoked the more I began to need it to feel normal. Withdrawal is def real I just think did people go through it differently. I would probably enjoy that even now, thirty years later. If he really wants to quit, it will get better. When I quit smoking pot, I started getting vivid intense dreams. I. I think the advantages of legalizing far out weigh keeping it illegal. Everyday we had events planned or we went to go see more of the extended family. I also smoked cigarettes (quitting them was much harder, even slowly the way I did it.

I have a degree in computer programming and computer repair, and in 6 months I will have a degree in internet marketing, I own and operate two businesses, I enjoy the outdoors, I love gardening, I mt. I am now forced to quit again, this time for good. I try to exercise 3 times aweek, I take vitamins, eat healthy, work and go to school. They are 98% surfaced and healed, I would venture to say. Thanks Firehose for your well balanced comments, there seem to be some very angry people out there. I understand why some need rehab i do but im to stubbern and you would want to see what my temper is like, im a fuckin lunatic. I have a friend who can pick up a pack of cigarettes and smoke for several months and just stop with no issue for years and then start again. Two years ago I quit and I had a terrible time with dizziness and vertigo-type symptoms, upset stomach, headaches, irritability, anxiety and depression. Recently I took a trip for a weekend and had to go without both cannabis and caffeine. I smoke every day and once a month or so go for about a week without when I run out. Marijuana effects dopamine and seratonin levels in the brain, how is that for chemical addiction. I am going through the same thing: hot and cold sweats or always freezing and I have the shakes to. It could possibly be used as propaganda by those who want to keep marijuana illegal. I dont buy hard core WDs from POT ALONE, maybe there are DEFINITLEY combinations of other drugs WITH the pot that cause hardcore WDs, because i have been there. So give it up you fucking losers its really easy after 2 weeks of the shits headaches pains in your bones depression emotional attack, the very worst is dizzy feelings i nearly died when i got this. Why are there no anecdotes or statements regarding those who do not get addicted. Posted by CN Staff on December 18, 2016 at 19:47:54 PT. you touched my heart. Cannabis withdrawal in adolescent treatment seekers. So, because you felt more wd effects from caffeine then marijuana you would venture to say that caffeine is a much stronger drug. I HAD smoked every day for 23yrs and had to stop 3 months ago because of a collapsed lung. People can say we are lying as much as they want, but I never would have looked it up had i not tried over 5 times this year to quit and experienced the same exact feelings. , et. California -- Four years ago, in the hours after Colorado became one of the first states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, Gov. Also, while the author has made his reasons for publishing this clear in the comments, it would have been nice to see them addressed within the article itself. I was under the impression that a scientific approach should be an open one that considers all aspects. Washington, D. I believe you have been limited in your experiences and education. I have been smoking close to an eighth of diggity dank a day for 6 years give or take a week or two to pass drug tests on a couple of occasions. Symptoms of depression can return when I stop. And the whole time- my boyfriend was fine. I am on day 3 of going cold turkey and I can say that i have experienced a great many of the symptoms listed. The key is finding a hobby to take your mind off it. If you tell yourself you are having withdrawals then your body will HAVE withdrawals. I assumed I was out of the woods and had gotten off easy. After 56 days, I wrote in my journal that I was finally feeling much more stable mood wise and more productive and happier. Take pottasium pills your not feelin weed withdrawel u got low pottasium from your body ridding itself of thc and the good stuff as well it works miracles look up what low pottasium does go get you some. If there were an article stating that marijuana is one of the safest drugs out, it could possibly be used as propaganda for the pro-marijuana movement, but that in itself does not make the article propaganda. I can say from experience long term smokers will feel some if not all of the WD symptoms mentioned by the others on this site. I already feel like I have alot more energy than ever before. So i may leave you now and all i can say is there is nothing you cant do you can give up the very same way as you started it, you allow it to happen you make your owen choices. Even you said they occurred only with a certain strain of cannabis. As for severity of symptoms: the basic withdrawal effects of abstaining from nicotine are irritability, constipation, headache, excessive sweating, confusion, and craving. It is important to note that although, as a group, the current marijuana users experienced an increase in withdrawal symptoms compared to the controls, only 60% of the subjects in the current users group reported a change in symptoms of at least three points in magnitude. The only time I am not high is the time when I fall asleep and my high wears off until I wake up. I also believe it should be made legal, and i will also continue to smoke. Anyone who smokes every day even ONE joint is an addict. One of the best contemporary examples would be SSRI antidepressants, which can produce strong withdrawal symptoms (not cravings) when people discontinue use, even though the drugs themselves are not addictive. How can you comment when you only smoke occasionally. It would appear that after stopping smoking, my blood sugar values got thrown slightly out of whack, my doctor suggested it was because i had gone from eating ridiculous amounts of foods, to very small amounts, possibly my body had been making to much insulin. Wow you sound like you must be a scientist or something, you certainly have all of the facts straight. You talk about science yet this statement is not really scientific at all. k. The only reason I even found this article on the web was due to my search to find out why I feel so awful right now. I believe it should be legalized, as it is far less damaging than alcohol, in my opinion. I never smoked tobacco, but I found I missed smoking a joint once in a while. Quitting cold turkey coming off of being perpetually high led to some of those extreme withdrawal symptoms people talk about, chills, insomnia, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, aching joints, flu like symptoms, extreme emotions, fuzzy thinking and memory- weird twitches and more. Week 3: Sudden onset of incredibly intense and vivid dreams. I have been smoking the last 10 years of my life and am just starting to come off Canibis and am going through all the symptoms people are describing above and it sucks. what you wrote. Vandrey, R. She did state that she had gone a weekend without smoking pot. The only difference is that I feel a bit more alert. However, many subjects reported that when trying to remain abstinent in the past, the presence of withdrawal symptoms had played an important role in their relapse. Because just seven months prior- I had never been happier. When you step your dosage off the withdrawal still exists but it is SUBSTANTIALLY reduced. More research also needs to be done on the dramatic difference in benefits when cannabis is ingested or vaporized, rather than smoked. There is so many harmful products out there but still pot is legal. I feel very alive and healthy when I go without cannabis. Lately i had been smoking more than usual due to stress at work, about an ounce of good weed a month. And let me tell you Samantha, marijuana addiction is a very real thing. One minute I would be freezing, the next sweating. I have been a smoker since i was 18, heavy smoker since i was 20, im now 24. Before, taking even a day off was nearly unbearable- now I can take a week or so off and I might crave weed or feel bored or uninspired, but its not like I have trouble finding the will to eat or find myself taking advil PM just to get to sleep. Should we stop giving people that are hurt pain meds because they are addicting. Anyone who uses cannabis recreationally all day, every day needs to take a long, hard look at themselves in the mirror and get a grip on some self-control. He said that SOME people have a problem with withdraw symptoms. I researched this while suffering insomnia from having not smoked marijuana in weeks. I thought I was addicted, until I went on vacation to the Dominican Republic for one month, saw family I have not seen in decades. If you have smoked for 35 years and havent had withdrawals you must have some really awful pot with a thc content of. Also smoking resin is horrible for you, you might as well eat a tumor. I agree that alchohol is more of a problem in our society but this is not what the post is about. HAHAHAHAAA, sounds like this guy got the Flu. Wilson, D. Let me tell you, the caffeine withdrawals I could feel. al. If you only smoke a join once a year no problem, but if you smoke everyday for the las 25 years. I have seen him 5 times when he has not been able to get weed and 2 times when he really tried to quit for good, withdrawals are real and true, granted not everyone will develop the same symptoms, that doesnt make them not real. I am once again experiencing these nightmares, and it is horrible. This post, at least originally is just stating that some people have experienced some major withdrawal symptoms from cannabis. (2002) Marijuana withdrawal syndrome in the animal model. To those currently trying to stop, I would say please carry on. Day 3 i started to get hot and cold flushes in the day time and i feel exhausted, not gone to bed yet so will seee what tonight brings. NEVER have I had anything even remotely close to withdrawals. 7 years), were smoking at least once daily at the time Eating Disorders. I feel very alive and healthy when I go without cannabis. I had a good cry on one of my friends shoulders last night cause the emotional build up was so intense and it needed to be released. I found the preponderance of people asserting significant withdrawal symptoms out of keeping with what is seen anywhere, so I did some digging. Maybe those of us who experience marijuana withdrawals are a minority of users, but we do exist. Stop smoking pot you will likely get anxiety, anxiety accounts for every single symptom listed on this page. The key words were ON AND OFF, steady is a different story. Some people, though, are chronically ill and have no choice but to use cannabis constantly. Have you ever decided to come off your crutch JJ. I grew up being taught pot is for criminals and morons this and that bla bla bla. some symptoms i see listed are probably from pre-existing issues or a lack of nutrients. And from what I know, the length of the withdrawal period can be hastened through regular exercise. Marijuana is not a drug, the instant you truly believe that, your symptoms will be gone. And when I finally noticed I had been smoking like a chimney- I tried to cut back. I think marijuana should be legal as well, I think all drugs for that matter, on principle. I commend you. In my experience thc withdrawals are very real. H. Pot was available to me in Dominican Republic but for some reason (as corny as it sounds, I felt high on life and nature during my visit) i went back to my old ways when I got back home and then it hit me. Why Trump is Unlikely To Kill Legal Marijuana. Time to introduce related legal markets in drugs with the income and taxes generated helping to contribute to the treatment of any who develop problems related to their use of drugs including tobacco and alcohol- the two biggest killers of all. After 37 years of wake and bake, afternoon tokes, before bed smoking and several hits throughout the night, i stopped 5 days ago. I smoked everyday for 12 years and then stopped cold turkey at a boyfriends request. So being in horrible pain and basically suffering and not getting any answers or help I developed health anxiety or hypochondria. I would wake up and roll two blunts and smoke those. I really hope i can stop for good this time. I started researching my side effects because I thought it was just me, maybe I am crazy but I am not the only one. Others have a higher ultimate threshold when it comes to addiction and it takes a lot for them to get addicted, so they could have little to no symptoms. I have been trying to quit for 2 years, and have been smoking for 4. If you choose to call those changes withdrawals you may, but before you do I suggest you take say, Xanax and Prozac for 6 months and then stop cold turkey. The context-unaware punctuations and general fragmented thought shining through the above post should serve as a warning sign of effets of chronic cannabis consumption. I have smoked 2-3 joints a day to myself. What I was not prepared for was the night sweats and nausea. Marijuana should be stripped from the scientific lexicon. I received the bracelet for donating toward medical marijuana research. And when I do have MJ (which is 95% of the time) I am defiantly a daily smoker. I had withdrawl symptoms after 3 weeks of Lyrica,(extreme body aches, not to mention bloating weight gain and depression) Two months of Tramadol(flu like symptoms, lethargy, muscle aches and pain) and even a few weeks of Norco after dental surgery (anxiety and body aches). I have suffered withdrawals from pot smoking too. A fancy License means nothing unless you have lived through it. Your not a drug user, your a person who enjoys a little altered perception which in todays world is not such a bad thing. It sounds like these folks are forgetting to mention that they may be experiencing these symptoms because of other medications they are not mentioning. I experienced many of the withdrawal symptoms symptoms listed above, but by far, the worst was the nightmares. I was up at 2am yesterday morning and am still awake now( 4 am day after) I have smoked weed and fags for the last 15 years and I can guarantee you that the symptoms described on this site are true. The only difference is that I feel a bit more alert. Addiction is nothing more than a coping mechanism. I am so fed up with the incompetence of your profession. First off, you probably mean you smoked some low-power shit maybe 3-4 times a week. In my experiences it seems to be that the people who most get addicted to it are also ADHD and any medication or chemical responds in the opposite way in them than the rest of the population. Just for the record I am a REAL Scientist with a degree and a state license to practice. Due to the vast access of information on the web this is starting to become more and more obvious still not to the mass majority of Americans. Treatment studies show that rates of continuous abstinence are low (comparable to relapse rates for other abused drugs), and more treatment options are needed. I would venture to say that caffiene is a much stronger drug. I have pretty much just repeated what this article has stated but too many opinions from marinuana connoisseurs on a subject like this is never a bad thing. I have a long way to go yet and i thank the lord im on vacation because i wouldnt be able to work being like this. When i used to take adderall, i smoked much less, but the insomnia it caused forced me to stop taking it. After 2. If you experienced these adverse effects, youd quit pot right on the spot, haha. Day 3 Low appetite, went from eating 2 fish sandwhiches, beer, and fries at lunch. Perhaps as I have said in my posts that some people are not severley affected as others. Man, a lot of hating going on for peace and lovel dope smokers. For the first 3 years, i smoked half of that, or less. Only on my third day of trying to quit, smoking weed solid for nearly ten years and it began to take over my life and work. However, the cravings and mood swings continued for a while. It not only contains thc but many other nasty chemicals which can cause increased heart rate, palpitations, shortness of breath and more things which can trigger anxiety attacks. Those people who go cold turkey on any substance will experience symptoms. In fact I had my first genuine moment of sober nuero chemical happiness. I think the trick to making it as smooth of a ride as possible for those who experience heavier symptoms is to find something in your life that means more to you than getting stoned. 5 months of quitting, I am finally starting to feel much better about life and myself. I have witnessed him having night sweats, insomnia, and being so so grumpy and very mean. I was an honor roll student, been at my job for almost seven years and now I feel terrible. No way to know what percentage of long-term smokers become clinically dependent on pot, any more than we know with exactitude what overall percentage of drinkers go on to have serious alcohol problems. I have a house and bills to maintain and no one will do it for me. WOW. Marijuana withdrawal is real but not nearly to the extent this study claimed. I have had a kidney infection, ear infection, bloating, itching, insomnia,hot flashes, cold flashes and guess what others are posting the same symptoms. Posted by CN Staff on December 20, 2016 at 16:47:21 PT. He has also had diarrhea and terrible stomach pain. In Britain it was one of the factors that caused cannabis to be reclassified back to B after being downgraded to C for a few years. Man if you smoke with tobacco no really you have nicotine withdrawal. Marijuana businesses were selling pot-infused, animal-shaped candy attractive to kids. Thank you, I see the relevency of this topic. Your personal stories are no more or less convincing than the ones at the end of the article. Now, I use marijuana on a daily basis but like just a little buzz to take the edge off somewhat like a beer besides much more calming euphoric feeling and the effects last much longer. Maybe those alcoholics should switch to smoking weed. Perhaps the following should be the label on legal pot. ACUTEGIRL, I noticed your kind words to Brandon. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience and security. The article is informing the public of marijuana withdrawal symptoms. So the lower your body fat is and the higher your metabolic rate, the faster you will get through it. I just wanna slap posers like you who think they are for real because they smoke a couple joints a day for a few years. Just have a look around the internet there are plenty of people talking about the same symptoms. Hey stupid, Marijuana withdrawal WILL happen to you if you smoke a few times a day, every day. Yo, I know your comment is old as dirt, but I felt compelled to reply. Smoking a lot is not a joint twice a day 95% of the time for a few years. It was good to read your story,until you stared to put people down for trying to make there life better,,You should be more understanding to the steps that they need to go through. If I smoked it every day for years I am sure I would be hooked, however, I believed pot was not realy a drug and could mellow me out since I have a bad temper and would be a fun non addictive thing to do. Stress has incredible effects on the body and some may be more prone to such stress than others. I had to deal with that stuff through years of psychotherapy, quitting what is covering those wounds is only the first step, it is not the cure. Perhaps you could write a follow up which includes the science and experiences offered here in your comment section, or from further study that would include a true random sampling. Just keep smoking my friend, leave the real living up to us. The craving for the altered state is somewhat there. I laughed when people called me a weed head i told them i could give it up anytime boy i was so wrong. And you are craving it when not using it. Posted by CN Staff on December 16, 2016 at 14:20:37 PT. Two days in, I thought for sure I had some dreaded disease. The vast majority of those effects are POSITIVE. These people who have been used for this faulty experiment sound as if they have been using marijuana as someone with a serious medical problem would do. I am a researcher at a university and have studied the effects of drugs, particularly alcohol, on the brain for the last decade or so. This site is for people who are having issues with quitting and wanting to reach out to others with the same issues. I have been smoking since age 12 and am now 42. Its irrational to believe that any substance is infallible to addiction. of trying to figure this out the number was in the millions. I have received many commendations for the high level of competence