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Metabolic syndrome and diet soda -

21-12-2016 à 16:39:38
Metabolic syndrome and diet soda
I finally feel like a normal person again. Metabolic syndrome is caused by chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Reply Susie says July 24, 2015 at 11:16 am Gerjoy, That does sound similar. I take a chewable Vitamin C at night with my supper to keep the immune system strong as I can. I need another opinion but looking on here first as I have read all the other comments and alot of them I can relate to. I sometimes buy snacks like graze as they contain things like nuts, raisins and a little bit of chocolate as I thought that might be handy to have on me for if it happens. My fbs has never been great, but usually right around 100. But does this supposed to make my blood sugars like this frequently. D. I realize the symptoms are linked because one systems affects the others. To see the other articles in this series. I would like to know who to see about this my family doctor after my last severe attack told me in his opinion hypoglycemia is not real what the heck is he talking about. Reply Robin says March 4, 2015 at 9:05 am Suzz Thank you for that information and I had no idea about the dairy or the gluconeogenesis (new word in my vocabulary). Reply Michelle says May 10, 2015 at 1:28 pm Have you tried natural armour thyroid medicine. Sign up for FREE updates delivered to your inbox. Intermittent fasting is one way to lower insulin, but that might not be a good idea for a hypoglycemic. That would be a good clue for direction and these would be needed to get the best picture of your current situation. The 6 Online Beauty Boutiques You Need to Bookmark Right Now. I am stumped my fasting blood is consistantly too high even though I am eating limited to no sugar or carbs. A month ago I woke up with vertigo this lasted 2 days followed by lightheadedness. Include fats with everything you eat. I have all the symptoms of hypoglycemia, shaking sweating lightheaded irritability and fatigue thank god I get symptoms and when I check my bs it is usually 65 or lower very scary I have glucose tabs located everywhere and also carry a bottle of cola with Bc with the tabs and Coke it jacks my sugar up to about 110 and I also have hypothyroidism. The dinner was delayed, and finally when we did eat I passed out face first in my loaded plate. I am very symptomatic of hypoglycemia yet my blood level tests show me as normal. You probably need to get your adrenals and pancreatic function checked. Finally, I found a very high dose natural B supplement at a health food store. They are of no help to me whatsoever right now. And look for a new doctor. Reply Emily says March 27, 2015 at 7:34 am Hello, my name is Emily. Reply Emma says August 14, 2015 at 7:07 am Hello everyone. Metabolic syndrome (MetS), also affects 50 million Americans, and insulin resistance, one of the components of metabolic syndrome, affects up to 105 million Americans. Perhaps the results are merely anecdotal, but something was certainly removed from my diet that was causing me harm, and it was something that was also listed among my intolerances from the ALCAT. o I have skimped on my fiber the last week though so i thank you for the reminder. I have never had any tests besides the oral glucose tolerance test when I was diagnosed. The important thing is sticking with the most healthy diet you can eat and getting regular weight-bearing exercise in your life. This is the best article on the subject so far. Publisher Maria Rodale on the Organic Movement (Since Her Grandfather Started It). In the past few months, I have started to gain weight fast, I feel nauseated, everything I eat (healthy) my body responds like I am feeding it sugar, and my face oddly feels numb all day. High insulin is from refined carbs, sugars and grains. Anyone can help me with my question please. You would need to do your own research on armour, and decide, but there are a lot less side effects on armour and it is natural not cooked up in a chemical lab. Any insight because, can I be getting a false reading somehow. Reply Tammy says November 8, 2015 at 8:53 am NO, you should not cut out bread and cereal. I hit 94. Reply Lynn says January 23, 2015 at 12:19 pm I have the same problem, Mo. Its high insulin levels that are so dangerous. Doctors are dangerous (they almost always want to give drugs, not assay and fix the actual problem), but research papers can be very illuminating. For example, yeaterday I has 113 in the morning right after waking up, 98 1 hour after lunch, 124 2 hours after lunch and 199 just before dinner ( which was around 7 hours after lunch and I had not eaten anything). I also have been prescribed Erfa thyroid 2 grains. You figure your own carbohydrate tolerance by buying a blood glucose meter and testing your blood sugar after various meals. Dr said limited carbs and sugar, but offers no advice when I tell her I am not eating sweets, processed foods, etc. 7 during a bad series of episodes from one hike, but of course by the time i got to the ER it recovered into a mild fever. Reply Jane says January 1, 2015 at 8:37 am My son (21 years old) has Down syndrome and has asthma. For some reason i have trouble clearing it out of my system. Chronic hyperglycemia is caused by eating too many carbohydrates. I hope something comes out that can help us all who are struggling so badly. 5. Learn More B12 Deficiency What do memory loss, depression, anxiety, fatigue, nerve pain, and infertility have in common. Later, I found an understanding doctor who gave me injections of 1000 mcg of liquid B12 each week, and I felt on top of the world. She is always late to my appointments too. Eat foods as close to what you would find in nature as possible (think Paleo with wild caught fish for your protein, iodine, and DHA source). I eat frequently but cannot seem to maintain a consistent BS level. Reply Gloria says June 1, 2015 at 12:59 pm True. So, I did another experiment even though at that point I was really tired of experimenting. old. I think this number is still due to my hypothyroid state. 22nd. I also use Estrosmart to keep estrogen at bay. This response includes an increase in heart rate and lung action and an increase in blood flow to skeletal muscles to help us defend against or flee from danger. Of the participants, more than 800 developed metabolic syndrome — which includes excess weight around the midsection, high cholesterol and elevated blood sugar and blood pressure levels — related to an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. Taken together, more than 50 million Americans are affected by some form of thyroid disorder. Reply Aubrey says July 27, 2015 at 7:18 am Have you had your progesterone levels checked. After being on levothyroxin 88 mcg and supplements for years with no real improvement, since I changed my diet according to my ALCAT results, at month three I first noticed that my goiter shrank significantly, my triglycerides went down from 265 to just a bit above normal range while eating more eggs and red meat, oddly, my HDL is now 59 (from 39) and my vitamin D is finally in normal range. Eat some foods from the ocean. Although 100 is often considered the cutoff for normal, studies have shown that fasting blood sugar levels in the mid-90s were predictive of future diabetes a decade later. I used it for about eight years in an Omnipod system and it was wonderful. I go see my endocrinologist every 3 months. I also carry a granola bar with me everywhere. Learn More The Diet-Heart Myth Does eating cholesterol and saturated fat really cause heart disease. I highly suggest adding a physical activity regime alongside your healthy eating, something simple like this. Reply Elizabeth says February 11, 2015 at 5:07 pm I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism may 6 2014 I was in hospital with thyroid storm. And I will tell you now, it will be hard to find a doc that is willing to prescribe it. Fasting 59-74 Postprandial hypoglycemia (below 70) within 30 minutes to 90 minutes. Probably a true hypoglycemic should use fiber supplements such as inulin or glucomannan. My insulin was 2 points lower than normal on an all-around blood test, but I am wondering if I should take an insulin resistance test to get a more clear reading. Studies have shown that the repeated insulin surges common in insulin resistance increase the destruction of the thyroid gland in people with autoimmune thyroid disease. Studies show an increased frequency of thyroid disorders in diabetics, and a higher prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome in people with thyroid disorders. I am 70 yrs. High dose vitamins can create other deficiencies because the nutrients are interdependent. Reply Daisy says August 9, 2015 at 1:40 pm I have lupus and high blood glucose levels. At first, I still had to eat every couple of hours, but in a few weeks I became a normal person again. Reply Alalia says August 1, 2015 at 7:06 pm Hey Justin I understand completely. My progesterone levels are normal, my thyroid levels are normal, blood pressure is normal, and I have been on gut medication for 3 weeks with no results. Inulin and glucomannan are fiber supplements that might help you get some staying power out of your meals. She is going to help me with methylation and hpa axis. I wanted to jump in front of a bus before all this, I felt so defeated. Learn More The Low Down on Low Carb What is a low carb diet, really. I am hoping you do find something to help you—and quickly. Breakfast sets your insulin levels for the day. Any surgery taking away natural processes of a female body is life altering in many ways. My endocrinologist has spent many moons testing me for different things. cortisol spikes blood sugar, just like sugar and grains drive up blood glucose, so you want to keep it at an even keel. Vegan Superfood Hot Chocolate with Reishi, Maca, and Raw Cacao. on that diet, fine. Walking is an easy way to start, but even easier is to simply start by doing stretches that feel good. They can all be caused by B12 deficiency. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I felt horrible. I went to a naturopath to help with methylation. I dealt with the low blood sugar and the host of related problems by reading health books and upped my supplements when I could afford to. Like me my Dr. A simple carb would be white toast, white rice, fig newtons, sugary cereal or drink etc. Hope you find your answers Reply Robin says May 12, 2015 at 7:40 am Thanks for all your responses. Warm Up With White Bean, Turkey, and Kale Soup. I was diagnosed several years ago with Type 2 diabetes but got to the point where I was too tired to even cry. I had a slight headache which was probably from low blood sugar. I suffer during the middle of my period most with my lows and a few days before I get the period I suffer from the highs. Reply MO says March 4, 2015 at 12:44 pm C. Find a dr in your area who specializes in bio identical hormones. 5 so pretty much perfect numbers I assume. Reply Gerjoy says July 24, 2015 at 2:33 am Hi Susie, I was very interested in your reply above as I think it may have some bearing on the way I am feeling. I also have hypothyroid that I take armour thyroid for it to keep levels normal. Anyway I also suffer from seemingly chronic low blood sugar attacks and sugar does not help it only makes it way worse about 30 to 50 minutes later. But, the highest rate of risk for metabolic syndrome — 32 percent — was found in participants who drank diet soda and consumed a Standard American Diet high in processed food, meat and sugar. I was diagnosed at 12 and am now 47, trying to find a way to get an appetite back to lose weight. High insulin can lead to poor health over the long run, so you do need to find out what is happening here. Reply Gloria Cole says August 10, 2015 at 11:29 am Aubrey. Reply Irfan Chaudhary says July 16, 2015 at 12:40 am I am hypothyroid with latest test result of 1. I was dizzy and lightheaded, and I would pass out without warning maybe three times a week. I guess I will have to but a glucometer to test. I suffer from malabsorption of some kind, having 4-7 BMs a day-usually type 5 and 6 on the poop scale. Reply Alalia says July 1, 2015 at 5:13 pm So how does one control their blood sugar if they have chronic hypoglycemia. The pancreas responds by pumping out even more insulin (knocking louder) in an effort to get glucose into the cells, and this eventually causes insulin resistance. How do I get a high number here when I eat a pretty low carb diet. I recognize what you are talking about because it is exactly what happens when a diabetic takes too much insulin. I have thyroid nodules but blood work is always excellent. My naturopath has told me that vitamin D overdose shows up as nausea. So the more glucose forming foods you eat, the more you trigger insulin, the fatter you get, and the lower your blood sugar goes. Keep your blood sugar records in a dedicated notebook and take it to your appointment. Reply Sheila Ber says November 4, 2016 at 3:18 pm An amazing factual right to the point article about Iodine and relationship to blood sugar. Cardiologists and Endocrinologists know a lot about nutrition, as well as metabolic issues. Cut through the confusion and hype and find out which sweeteners are safe for you and your family. Reply Rachel says August 3, 2015 at 11:16 am I have suffered from low blood sugar episodes my whole life. Can anyone give any advice what my next step should be or what to do so I quit having the seizures. And it seems like in order for an endocrinologist to treat high insulin-hypoglycemia, is to have also a poor glucagon response. However what surprises me most is, that my blood sugar seems to rise even when I do not eat at all. this slows insulin spikes. Reply David says July 1, 2016 at 7:19 pm Sounds like Adrenal Fatigue. They sent me to a nutritionist who gave me recommendations based on what they do for diabetics, but it backfired. Reply Aubrey says August 10, 2015 at 11:54 am Oatmeal and whole wheat toast are complex carbohydrates. I think I need to find a professional to work with. So you need to target the high insulin levels and get them under control. Thank you so very much for your help in clarifying the subject. Look at the RDAs and stay within that range. This causes a chronic stress response, as I described above, that suppresses thyroid function. I almost gave up and resigned myself to misery so many times, but eventually I found what works for me. I would get stressed and jittery, lose a lot of weight, have trouble sleeping, my digestion would go to hell, even my hair would start falling out. It is common to test blood glucose levels of people on steroid doses. I would agree with you on not wanting to take another medicine in the same group. Also my 2 hours after meal reading are always higher than the 1 hour after meal, should it not be the opposite. Aside from that, I would have extreme body temperature drops the night of exercise that would send me into the shakes, then bounce back and forth mild fevers. Reply may says April 5, 2015 at 8:10 am and p. Weight Energy Digestion Brain Overall Health All of the Above I hate spam too. just someone with a lot of experience managing blood sugar. I am not sure if you have been tested for any type of thyroid problems, but that is always a first stop for many things. What you need to do is avoid triggering insulin. I usually use xylitol, I think it is low GI. I am wondering if, despite being on a diet, I could be pre diabetic. First. We are now home, his blood sugar last night was 88 and we were told to give him 10 units of Lantis. How to Care for Mums: You Have Questions. Does anyone know if you have a high fasting insulin if it can cause the reactive hypoglycemia. I think I will purchase a glucose meter and see if I can work out what suits me best, I also tried taking a small glucose drink this morning. Anything that claims to be low carb, or high fiber are the best ones to look at. So yes, I do have a normal glucagon response, but I still have high insulin no matter what food I eat. This is a measure of your blood sugar 1-2 hours after a meal. His blood glucose level was likely increased due to the oral steroid doses and his inflammatory response from the influenza. I hate chemical medications that doctors are so eager to prescribe. Reply Jennifer Savage says January 16, 2015 at 3:40 pm Chris, Your next step should be investigating your postprandial sugar levels and see if they fall into a better range. My thyroid is regulated now with meds. This morning when I first woke up it was 50 which according to what I looked up is low. Read this eBook to find out which ingredients you should be concerned about, and which are safe. You may still want to avoid long chain fructans, but simple fructose found in fruit might be alright. I almost lost my job because I kept passing out at work and having to go home. I still limit myself when it comes to things with long chain fructans like brassicas, but the simple fructose in fruits is usually ok. An egg, bacon and cheese burrito for breakfast everyday should stablize your insulin at a better level. said I was normal for 6 years and I had almost all the symptoms and also have adrenal fatigue. Inulin or glucomannan work You can add them to smoothies, or anything liquid. So perhaps it is the combination of the 2 which causes the damage. There are tons of meters out there, but one that gets a lot of good recommendations is the ReliOn Ultima. As a result of this change, in the last seven weeks, my glucose readings have been terrible and what was probably a subclinical level of hypothyroidism has become very apparent. Find out why thyroid problems are so often mis-diagnosed, what really causes them, and how to heal them naturally. I was estrogen dominant at Peri menopause and it was hell. I am in Ireland and our doctors are not proactive. You want a dr that will test your levels 7 days after ovulation. I have honestly been looking for help for 15 years with no help(except dietary referrals). 13th. This article describes some of the things the endocrinologist needs to look for. You may need a fiber supplement, until you get used to including lots of fiber in your meals. I described how high blood sugar causes insulin resistance above. I was started st first on Prometrium then i switched to cream. Since the progesterone my free T3 and T4 are perfect and TSH is at 1. The next day, the dr. Tsai, Winer, et al about Diabetes Type 2 ( ) and would love to hear your thoughts. 7. My interest is because about a year ago I was diagnosed with GD. This is a test that will tell you how his blood glucose levels have been doing for the last four months. Reply Rachel says August 4, 2015 at 10:16 am Yesterday I bought a glucose tester. I have also tried bio-identical hormone creams and they did not help me it just regulated my period. She wants to send me back to the endocrinologist who I have already seen who has no idea what to do with me. Insulin is a fat storage hormone, other than being the hormone that lowers blood glucose. I chew a Viactiv now a day with D3 and K in it. Participants who ate a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains who also drank diet sodas were at a greater risk of developing metabolic syndrome than participants who just ate the healthy diet without the added diet soda. Reply Gloria Cole says August 3, 2015 at 3:05 pm 50 what. Eat well. Reply Dana Adams says May 19, 2016 at 9:22 am Hey, Nina. I have seen so many doctors, including endocrinologists. How low blood sugar affects the thyroid But just as high blood sugar can weaken thyroid function, chronically low blood sugar can also cause problems. Reply Anjana Williams says June 30, 2016 at 2:34 am any kind of fruit will bring up your sugar levels. Ask for a blood test called a hemoglobin A1C to be done. Or, can a low carb diet ruin your health. I especially like to take dehydrated okra as a snack in the car if I will miss lunch otherwise. Third. Kiyah Duffey, collected 20-years worth of data on diet soda consumption from more than 4,000 participants in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study. I eat beets and spinach every day actually. If anyone has any insight I would greatly appreciate it. I also had labs done that showed elevated DHEA (230) but lower end testosterone. The stress of low blood sugar can trigger cortisol, which triggers sugar made by the liver (gluconeogenesis) and more insulin. After reintroducing carbs, all my low thyroid symptoms went away. My moods are swinging everywhere and I put on 32 pounds in 6 months last year (2014). How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Gorgeous, Healthy Hair. Together, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia are referred to as dysglycemia. They are always just barely in the normal range. Oat meal and wheat toast are simple carbohydrates. Due to the unbalanced hormones they all also have pre cancerous cells in the uterus. d. S. I no longer have insurance but when I last did my Dr mentioned low progesterone. Dizziness in between breakfast and lunch sounds like classic reactive hypoglycemia. I asked her if I could go off it because I have been getting quite sick from it after it is in my system for several hours. You can just sit on the floor or even on your couch and stretch your legs and arms in ways that feel satisfying, not overdoing it. But My sugar levels post meal are 70 which should be around 120 which is very rare. Reply Anne says August 1, 2015 at 1:48 pm Justin, I feel awful for you, after reading about your suffering. I am not an M. I took insulin once before going out to a Thanksgiving dinner. I kept with it because I had done various low carb diets before and, while I initially felt great, eventually all the side effects would creep in. Have your dr test your progesterone 7 days after ovulation. Give it some time. I heard that low progesterone can lend to depression and low energy as well as the other two.

Unfortunately for hypoglycemics, repeated cortisol release caused by episodes of low blood sugar suppresses pituitary function. My doctor recommended a hysterectomy but I do not feel that is the answer. Thanks Reply Gloria Cole says October 5, 2015 at 5:25 pm Olivia. Just a few should do it. Fiber and fats (as in seeds and nuts) are less likely to trigger high insulin levels. But insulin resistance can also cause low blood sugar. Figs. Learn More Nutrition for Healthy Skin Skin problems like acne, eczema, and rosacea are epidemic, yet conventional treatments rarely work. First, stop using sugar to recover from hypoglycemia. I see what you mean. etc. I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes about 5 years ago and put on Metformin. Reply Gloria Cole says July 2, 2015 at 1:14 pm Susie: As a diabetic, I have had hypoglycemia but it was because I took too much insulin. My doctor prescribed Metformin to help with the insulin use. He was diagnose with Flu A on Dec. 9 for TSH which is very normal. I am 73 and still looking a medical practitioner who is not about drugs and surgery. Reply Robin says June 24, 2015 at 11:32 am Update: June 22nd, 2015 I was told i now have LOW CALCIUM on top of Vitamin D deficiency which has since improved. Also there are additives in food today that are not labeled MSG, but for me I get an attack and black out. Thank you very much for your information. Reply Neeta says July 26, 2016 at 4:31 am I jave successfully stopped hypoglycemia AND seozures by using Progesterone. Reply Renee says August 31, 2016 at 3:29 pm do you have enough fiber in your diet to counteract even the good carbs from veggies. I am not on any heart medicines of any kind. L-Glutamine is the only amino acid that can cross the blood brain barrier and deliver energy. Reply Alakiki One says August 25, 2015 at 3:33 pm Really not true about doctors. Chocolate would be a good choice if it was sugar free. When I do have months where I am not having a period I feel so much better. Reply Justin says July 31, 2015 at 3:51 am Hi I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia when I was about 13 but had been passing out almost daily for years. It can really do wonders if you stick to it. Reply Gloria says June 24, 2015 at 11:48 am And you need a new endocrinologist. I just wish I could solve the mystery of why it happens and how to prevent it. They took a chest X-ray and CBC and diagnosed pneumonia in both lungs plus his blood sugar was 211. I would start will lower sugar fruits like berries and then see if you can graduate up to other things. Stray away from high scoring foods on the glycemic index. He developed thrush and we took him to an Urgent Care center. Subclinical hypothyroidism, a condition in which TSH is elevated but free T4 is normal, may affect an additional 24 million Americans. Dates. She agreed that a hysterectomy was not the right thing to do. 12 months ago I went on the FODMAP diet and have good results for the IBS, I found that I was intolerant to gluten, fructose and sorbitol. Learn More Gut Health Research suggests that healing your gut may be the single most important thing you can do to improve your health. Now 5 years later and now i am fine still. Diabetics are advised not to eat processed grains. I have a week of my blood sugar running low or having reactive hypoglycemia. Reply Jennifer says January 10, 2015 at 12:32 pm Yes. Use something sweet with fiber. Can someone please help me with why my sugar levels are so low and having digestion, bloating and sleeping issues. I hope these simple things will at least put you on the right track. For past four months my fast glucose is 122, and then 112 after eating. Reply Gloria Cole says August 1, 2015 at 7:09 am There are several posts on hypoglycemia here that concern me very much. Reply Havolas says January 24, 2016 at 12:31 pm Disclaimer: Not a doc, take advice with a grain of salt. I have very similar issues and was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism as well as a luteal phase defect. Reply Gloria Cole says August 1, 2015 at 10:32 pm Of course you should never take high dose vitamins like this without a test to see if you need them. Reply Sheila Ber says November 4, 2016 at 3:21 pm Thank you very much for your help in clarifying the relationship between Iodine and blood sugar level. Dysglycemia weakens and inflames the gut, lungs and brain, imbalances hormone levels, exhausts the adrenal glands, disrupts detoxification pathways, and impairs overall metabolism. Panera Bread Becomes First Restaurant Chain to Commit to Slow-Growing Chickens. A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition questions whether or not diet sodas are good or bad for health and suggests a more complicated relationship exists between consumers and the popular soft-drink segment. If not, it was just the illness and medications that caused the spike. Reply Nicky says March 7, 2016 at 11:24 pm Have you looked into Polycystic ovarian syndrome. I do not eat or drink anything that has caffeine or carbs. Reply Nina says May 19, 2016 at 6:57 am Dana, thank you for your response. As close to free range and organic as you can find. We were sent to the hospital and spent 5 days getting oxygen, breathing treatments along with blood sugar testing. Reply Terese says October 30, 2014 at 10:07 am Also this is Terese again, The TSH lab showed I was normal but indeed it is not working for many people as you can see on the STTM site. Pick up either powder or chews of an amino acid called L-Glutamine. In either case, the solution is to make sure your blood sugar stays within a healthy range. Could the stress of the flu along with the breathing treatments and steroids (liquid and inhaled) have caused his blood sugar spikes. Of course, one needs to take calcium to balance the high phosphorus content of B vitamins. Insulin is what is causing the low blood sugar episodes. 5mg a day. Its becoming very hard to maintain my blood sugar levels. I no longer attempt to use sugar to recover from hypoglycemia, since it creates more hypoglycemia for me. Find out what the latest research says in this eBook, and learn how to prevent and treat heart disease naturally. I have been going to the doctor to find the problem. I feel like my weight loss is hampered when my sugar levels drop because my body goes into panic mode. A salad for lunch for example can have an olive oil dressing. My TSH levels sometimes fluctuate so that I have to alter my synthroid dosage. So, after you eat insulinogenic foods without carbs, your blood sugar drops and then your liver has to kick in with gluconeogenesis, which is when you get that adrenaline rush that basically feels like a panic attack. No promises but I have done much better on the natural. I also stay away from artificial sweetener, poisonous stuff. Reply Lady Bugg says November 1, 2016 at 6:43 am I am fascinated that the Thyroid and Blood Sugar are connected. I have to wake up and eat and go back to bed. This whole time, I was avoiding fruits because they made my sugar go up, and the endocrinologist told me that was very bad. wild caught shrimp, sardines, etc. You should add eggs and protein which last longer in your body. If you are not vegetarian, include eggs, fish, and meats. Almost off of the women on my mothers side have issues with hypoglycemia and a lot of her brothers and sisters have hypothyroidism (one brother has hashis). The first is fasting blood glucose, which is a measure of your blood sugar first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. We have an appt to see an Endocrinologist on Jan. What is most important as that the chronic fatigue is gone, and so is the mind-numbing brain fog. and he said if blood sugar remained below 200 throughout the day, we should not give the Lantis or the Metformin. Reply Alalia says August 1, 2015 at 6:44 pm I completely agree. I have heard DGL can help stabilize the blood sugar but to be careful. Reply Austin says December 13, 2014 at 8:09 pm What did the doctor say was causing all these symptoms that you mentioned. The doctor tried medicine to see if it helped and it did not work so he took me off it. My post meal bs has been usually around 115-120. Your body is genetically programmed to recognize low blood sugar as a threat to survival. I cut the starches and replaced it with fruits for carbs, like apples, bananas, even the forbidden dried fruits. I used to be an avid hiker and biker, then I found I could never go even do my basic amount without having all sorts of those symptoms. I have had IBS for over 20 years. Reply Aubrey says August 10, 2015 at 7:29 am I take a bio identical progesterone (not prometrium- I go to a compounding pharmacy and they make their own) on days 14-28 of my cycle at night time. And that event can cause another blood sugar spike, and more insulin to get it down. As a diabetic I rarely see mine below 100. Even though there are at least 20 different (rare) reasons for endogenous hypoglycemia beyond insulin resistance. leaky gut causes blood sugar imbalances. Find out what really causes skin problems, and how simple dietary changes can restore the clear, beautiful skin you desire. A nutrient dense diet should make excessive vitamin sujpplements unnecessary. I would say just keep looking for an endocrinologist who will make the effort to deal with a broad spectrum issue. Sugar, grains, are the most likely to do this. I have had so much frustration trying to figure out how to eat with reactive hypogylcemia. Reply Gloria Cole says August 26, 2015 at 8:59 am Im glad you have found an M. Reply Kathleen says August 21, 2016 at 12:41 pm Check your thyroid T3 and T 4 levels. s do not have the answer. Reply Glenda says March 11, 2016 at 10:45 am At what time of the day are you taking your fasting glucose test. My doctor sent me to an endocrinologist and she said there is no connection of my symptoms to my thyroid. It is consistantly too high eventhough I am following a Autoimmune Protocol diet. I have had Type 1 Diabetes since February 2nd 2009, I found out I had hypothyroidism four years after. I will have a look at the glycemic index. How to Slay Friendsgiving: 20 On Point Recipes for Every Dietary Need. Reply Amy says April 6, 2015 at 4:19 pm You need D3, not D2. The best way to do this is to eat a low-to-moderate carbohydrate diet (to prevent the blood sugar fluctuations I described above), and to eat frequent, small meals every 2-3 hours (to ensure a continuous supply of energy to the body. Beyond this you need to eat very high quality food: plenty of proteins, and good fats, fruits and vegetables and fruits selected for nutrient density and fiber. Oh and I have gained like 60 lbs in 6 months. Then prescribe as necessary based on those numbers. Since you are limited to the amount of food you can put in your stomach, you must eat the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet. 1 and free T4 was high and free T3 was low. As the thyroid gland is destroyed, thyroid hormone production falls. that followed him in the hospital was not an Endocrinologist. Especially eliminate high-fructose corn syrup and other added sugars from your diet (these could be the cause of those hypoglycemic episodes you said you are having). I am going to a naturopath doctor who had a degree in biochemistry. Recently at my endocrinology Dr she found out I am Vitamin D deficient and I started on D2 end of January for 3 months 50,000units once a week. add 3 teaspoons of Prednisolone 2x a day for 3 days and then tapered to 1 teaspoon a day for 3 days. And, I also had difficultly absorbing fructose when I was low carb, but that was probably because my thyroid was suppressed. Also if you take D3, you need to take K2-to keep calcium soluable and not backing up in blood vessels. There is a discussion here in the ehealth forum:. And surely the problem would be compounded by refined carb intake. k. Learn More Effortless Paleo Weight Loss Are you struggling to lose weight—or keep it off. My obgyn just prescribed me prometrium to help my luteal phase defect but I question whether we should be treating my progesterone levels or thyroid first. I even thought about asking my doctor to put me on steroids during this week. I am beyond depressed all the time and have no energy but racing thoughts. Keep what you are doing, add another meal, and then with EVERY meal, add some protein. I really want to rid my house of all carbs again breads and potatoes. Reply Dana Adams says May 19, 2016 at 9:18 am Thank you for commenting on my post. I eat lots of meat, take fish oil, and exercise. Reply Dana says May 18, 2016 at 3:56 pm You are just like me. Some things, like peaches or cherries, I can only have a little of before it may upset my stomach. If you are having hypoglycemic episodes either due to the bariatric surgery (because now your stomach is compromised) or your thyroid, I advise you to get some glucose tablets to have on you at all times. TSH was 3. sugar comes and will go out of your body very quickly, and that is why this is happening. They all say that it is rare and abnormal, but the bottom line is that it is not well researched enough for them to be able to treat it. Reply Laura says December 13, 2015 at 5:24 pm I am Celiac also. My blood sugars are terrible about a week before I get my period. Non diabetic hypoglycemia, but all have also tested for low progesterone and eventually hypothyroid. Reply Gloria Cole says July 2, 2015 at 1:17 am Alalia. Not keeping her if she does this one more time to me. All of these trigger insulin which could keep your blood sugar too low. Im finding more and more, the m. Reply olivia small says January 13, 2016 at 10:27 am I have hypothyrioid and nodules on my thyroid. We believe now I should get a blood test for diabetes, I never thought I would ever have a problem like this although when I eat carbs or sugar my heart beats fast for me. Reply Hypo girl says October 3, 2015 at 5:22 pm Elevated prolactin is one of the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism along with fertility issues. Both metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance are risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, two of the leading causes of death in the developed world. Maybe now that you are taking thyroid meds and avoiding gluten, your digestion will improve enough for you to tolerate fructose again. Reply Sara says October 16, 2016 at 1:58 pm I do have thyroid issues which they say now is back in line. s. If I google it online it says I have either diabetes or liver disease. Instead of having coffee first, I made a smoothie with greek yogurt, banana, cinnamon, protein powder and some vitamin water lol (I had run out of milk and needed some liquid) It was pretty disgusting but I managed to get the whole thing down in between sipping coffee. Severe or prolonged hypoglycemia can cause seizures, coma, and death. Several studies have shown that post-prandial blood glucose is the most accurate predictor of future diabetic complications and is the first marker (before fasting blood glucose and Hb1Ac) to indicate dysglycemia. Reply Gloria Cole says August 4, 2015 at 11:44 am Rachel. I bought some glucose tabs and I will pop 2 or 3 of those and that helps sometimes. Yes Hypoglycemia is very hard to understand and manage. Slowly increase your stretch and after a few weeks when you are then sleeping better and your joints and muscles are all feeling better too, bring in another activity. Reply Gloria Cole says October 3, 2015 at 5:27 am Stef: Apparently hypoglycemia can be one of the complications of celiac disease. What worries me is my HgbA1C is 5. I had gastric bypass in 2010 because health issues. Then plan your meals from the lowest glycemic values you can find. Thanks again Reply Alalia says August 1, 2015 at 6:45 am I actually have the opposite reaction to fruits. Each of these effects significantly weakens thyroid function. It settled my nerves and gut immediately, so I continued paying for it. The Crispy, Perfect Ghee Roasted Brussels Sprouts You Need on Your Table. Reply Gerjoy says July 26, 2015 at 2:32 am Thank you so much Susie for your reply. Cortisol then tells the liver to produce more glucose, bringing blood sugar levels back to normal. On insulin I have had readings of 45 — that is ready to lose consciousness at that level. it hurt me more than conventional medicine. He was put on tamiflu, along with breathing treatments every 4 hours around the clock for 48 hours (albuterol and Pulmicort), 4 puffs of Symbicort 2x a day. All 5 meals are 3oz protein, 20-30g carbs (usually oatmeal or organic wheat toast), and a handful of fat. In the meantime I am taking small mints, sweet potatoes, and occasional potatoes. As I am only taking the Elthroxine for two weeks I suppose I have to give it time to work. About a hour after a meal my sugar is in the 80s. How is it showing this elevated readings, the day before my last fasting blood test, I ate 88 g carbs- fruit and veggies and the results were 122. Does anyone have any insight as to what to do during this week to keep my sugar regulated. The same thing happens when you eat lean protein without carbs because protein also makes insulin go up. I am going to be careful of what I eat before bed and what I eat in the am as well as drinking water with cinnamon extract to see if this helps. Blood sugar problems and thyroid can work together. I usually only have problems in the mornings. Make a check list and make sure he responds to each of your questions. Reply Gloria Cole says September 25, 2015 at 12:24 pm Also D3 is a fat soluble vitamin, so you should take it with the meal that has the most fats. Reply Gloria Cole says August 3, 2015 at 3:12 pm Aubrey. D. I also have sleeping issues with a very bad gut. The body is very complex and what works for one person may not work for another. Only bad thing is that I feel good during luteal phase but horrible the other two times of the month. Reply MO says January 12, 2015 at 11:05 am I notice my sugar levels drop when I am getting ready to start my period. I am wondering what it is I can do about the heart palpitations because before I was diagnosed with the Hypothyroidism I got them and then they went away for quite some time once I got on the medicine, but have since returned and seem to hit even if I eat a lower amount of food or lower carb food. Here are the Manuka Honey Benefits that are About to Change Your Life. to serve your needs. According to Alan Christianson, author of the Adrenal Reset Diet, a high protein breakfast sets your insulin levels for the day. If there is no dietary response to a low glycemic, moderate fat, and high fiber diet, then there is something wrong and it will affect the quality of your life. Almost all issues can be cleared up with good food and good exercise or the elimination of bad food, but it takes time. But not off the shelf, you need to find one under 15g carbohydrates (15g after you subtract fiber). But over time, the cells lose the ability to respond to insulin. Nearly 2 years later it still affects me. Reply Aubrey says October 5, 2015 at 5:19 pm When I had my progesterone checked 7DPo it was 8. Hair is now falling out in large amounts. About 3 months ago, I was also diagnosed as hypothyroid and put on 25 mg Synthroid, then moved to 50 mg Synthroid after 6 weeks. When your blood sugar levels drop below normal, your adrenal glands respond by secreting a hormone called cortisol. I usually take two when start to feel symptoms but feel I need more than those so I drink cola or orange juice. glucose meter readings. (I had to travel 4 hours to find a good dr). The dr. Good luck Reply MIke M says May 29, 2015 at 2:02 pm Try taking a spoonful of unrefined coconut oil everyday. I stick with fatty meats and vege and fill in the rest with a moderate amount of carb because if I go too low carb, I lose too much weight and my thyroid gets underactive with all the accompanying side effects, the worst of which is constipation and bad digestion since your thyroid helps with the production of digestion enzymes. Kenneth Brown RHR: How To Tell If You Have A Leaky Gut RHR: Why You Need to Eat More Vegetables—and How To Do It, with Dr. The second, and much more important, target is post-prandial blood glucose. But you are correct, that fructose is processed differently then glucose in the body. if you are doing o. But, then one day I ate an apple and checked my sugar. They diagnosed him as diabetic and began insulin, Metformin. Eating a banana will get me half way through my workout. Fortunately, in 2015 we have the internet to research and ask for help, and access to more and cheaper supplements. I am currently on D3 2000 units a day by my own choice. Genetically Modified Pink Pineapple Approved for Sale in the U. Please help me find a way to get an appetite back so I can lose some weight. Dysglycemia can depress thyroid function, but thyroid disorders can cause dysglycemia and predispose you to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. search and find The Glycemic Index. Unfortunately, he retired shortly after this and I could not find another doctor with the same holistic outlook. My mother, aunts, and grandmother all have the same issues. I do eat a lot of bread, mainly brown but I think that is my worst trigger so I need to try and get rid of that Reply Michele silliman says February 16, 2016 at 5:13 pm I am 8 years post op RNY Dx with hypothyroidism 20 years ago and felt with very occasional sugar lows very seldomly, I suggest you Go buy glucose tabs in the diabetic section near the pharmacy section fairly cheap. Should I completely cut out the bread and cereal. Now that I have been forced to switch to an insulin pump because of Medicare (Omnipod is not covered and I am now 65), Apidra has not been tested in the pump I have (t-slim by Tandem) AND I AM NOW USING HUMALOG. you have to clean up your diet and get off processed grains and sugars of all kinds. Right, systematically after certain types of exercise of foods. Reply Susie says July 2, 2015 at 12:41 pm To Alalia, I have the same condition. 0. My Dr took the thyroid test further out to test T3 and T4. How to Use Fall Leaves to Benefit Your Garden. S. Called the Dr. Also I am in a hyperthyroid episode (since last summer) and face radioactive ablation of my thyroid.

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